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News - E3 2019: All Games Confirmed Not To Appear

E3 2019: All Games Confirmed Not To Appear

<p><a href="">E3 2019</a> is just weeks away, and publishers are preparing to announce and show off some of the year's biggest games. There will be a lot of surprises in store, but we already know some games that won't be there. Through expectation-setting announcements and financial disclosures, we already know a good deal about games that won't be appearing at the show.</p><p><strong>Skull &amp; Bones</strong></p><p>In its financial earnings, Ubisoft said it has<a href=""> three unannounced games</a> coming early next year. But at the same time, it delayed another of the games that was already known. Skull &amp; Bones, the high seas pirate combat game, has been pushed back to 2020, and it <a href="">won't be shown</a> at this year's conference. Ubisoft told GameSpot, "For new IPs, it is common to have evolutions of creative vision and this requires more development time."</p><p><strong>Elder Scrolls 6 or Starfield</strong></p><p>Bethesda is holding its games showcase once again this year, but two of the most intriguing teases from the last one <a href="">aren't ready to show</a> in more detail quite yet. Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield were both announced last year as long-term projects, so it's not too surprising that they aren't making an appearance--especially since Bethesda tends to focus its conferences on games that are releasing in the fall.</p><p><strong>The Last of Us 2, Dreams, Or Anything Else From Sony</strong></p><p>One of the biggest changes to this year's show is the<a href=""> total absence of PlayStation</a>, which announced that it wouldn't be at this year's show at all. That means no press conference, no booth, and no first-party Sony games. PlayStation boss Shawn Layden said the show <a href="">hasn't kept up with the needs of the industry</a>, calling it "a trade show without a lot of trade activity." Sony has suggested it will use other avenues to make its announcements, including its new State of Play videos. The company also began to detail its plans for the<a href=""> next-generation PlayStation</a>.</p><p><strong>A New Nintendo Switch Console</strong></p><p>Rumors have been circulating for months that Nintendo is planning at least one and possibly <a href="">two hardware revisions</a> for the Nintendo Switch. One, a simpler model to reduce costs, and the other, an upgrade for power-users. The cheaper version is still said to be <a href="">aiming for this year</a>. But Nintendo has <a href="">ruled out announcing any new hardware</a> at E3 this year, and its<a href=""> Nintendo Direct showcase announcement </a>specifically says it will focus on Nintendo Switch software through 2019.</p><p><strong>EA Games, Technically</strong></p><p>While not pulling out of the event altogether, Electronic Arts has made itself more E3-adjacent than a part of the show proper. For the fourth straight year, EA will be holding its own event called EA Play at the Hollywood Palladium the weekend before E3. It <a href="">won't be holding a formal press conference</a> this year, but it will be holding multiple live streams that are likely to house any of the company's announcements. As always EA Play is free, and those in town for E3 are likely to attend it as well, so it's essentially just extended the event. But if you're only going to the actual show floor, you won't see any EA games represented.</p>

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