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Re-reading ASP.Net Core request bodies with EnableBuffering()

Re-reading ASP.Net Core request bodies with EnableBuffering()

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<p>March 27th, 2019</p>
<p> &lt;!–<span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2019-03-27T13:51:50+00:00">March 27, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">Jeremy Meng</a></span></span>–&gt; </div>
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<p>In some scenarios there’s a need to read the request body multiple times. Some examples include</p>
<li>Logging the raw requests to replay in load test environment</li>
<li>Middleware that read the request body multiple times to process it</li>
<p>Usually <code>Request.Body</code> does not support rewinding, so it can only be read once. A straightforward solution is to save a copy of the stream in another stream that supports seeking so the content can be read multiple times from the copy.</p>
<p>In ASP.NET framework it was possible to read the body of an HTTP request multiple times using <a href=""><code>HttpRequest.GetBufferedInputStream</code> method</a>. However, in ASP.NET Core a different approach must be used.</p>
<p>In ASP.NET Core 2.1 we added <a href="">an extension method <code>EnableBuffering()</code></a> for <code>HttpRequest</code>. This is the suggested way to enable request body for multiple reads. Here is an example usage in the <code>InvokeAsync()</code> method of a custom ASP.NET middleware:</p>
<pre><code class="csharp">public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
{ context.Request.EnableBuffering(); // Leave the body open so the next middleware can read it. using (var reader = new StreamReader( context.Request.Body, encoding: Encoding.UTF8, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false, bufferSize: bufferSize, leaveOpen: true)) { var body = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); // Do some processing with body… // Reset the request body stream position so the next middleware can read it context.Request.Body.Position = 0; } // Call the next delegate/middleware in the pipeline await next(context);
<p>The backing <code>FileBufferingReadStream</code> uses memory stream of a certain size first then falls back to a temporary file stream. By default the size of the memory stream is 30KB. There are also other <code>EnableBuffering()</code> overloads that allow specifying a different threshold, and/or a limit for the total size:</p>
<pre><code class="csharp">public static void EnableBuffering(this HttpRequest request, int bufferThreshold) public static void EnableBuffering(this HttpRequest request, long bufferLimit) public static void EnableBuffering(this HttpRequest request, int bufferThreshold, long bufferLimit)
<p>For example, a call of</p>
<pre><code class="csharp">context.Request.EnableBuffering(bufferThreshold: 1024 * 45, bufferLimit: 1024 * 100);
<p>enables a read buffer with limit of 100KB. Data is buffered in memory until the content exceeds 45KB, then it’s moved to a temporary file. By default there’s no limit on the buffer size but if there’s one specified and the content of request body exceeds the limit, an <code>System.IOException</code> will be thrown.</p>
<p>These overloads offer flexibility if there’s a need to fine-tune the buffering behaviors. Just keep in mind that:</p>
<li>Even though the memory stream is rented from a pool, it still has memory cost associated with it.</li>
<li>After the read is over the <code>bufferThreshold</code> the performance will be slower since a file stream will be used.</li>
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<h5><a class="no-underline" aria-label="Jeremy Meng" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Jeremy Meng</a></h5>
<p>Software Development Engineer</p>
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<p> &lt;!–</p>
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