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News - Nindie Direct Shows Off Plenty Of Upcoming Indie Games On Switch

Nindie Direct Shows Off Plenty Of Upcoming Indie Games On Switch

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<p>There are plenty of smaller titles that cropped up over the 25 minutes of today’s Nindies presentation. Here’s our roundup of some of the smaller titles and their trailers.</p>
<h3><strong><a href="">Overland</a></strong></h3>
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<p>Finji delivers a new game from Adam Saltsman, the creator of <em>Canabalt</em>. In this turn-based survival game, players take care of a group of travelers on a post-apocalyptic road trip across the United States. Fight off scary creatures, rescue stranded survivors and scavenge for supplies like fuel, first aid kits and weapons. There are consequences for every action. The game launches on Nintendo Switch this fall.</p>
<h3><a href="">Neo Cab</a></h3>
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<p>Fellow Traveller and Chance Agency offer an emotional survival game about staying human in a world disrupted by automation. Lina, the last human driver on the neon-drenched streets of Los Ojos, California, interacts with a diverse cast of characters with individual story arcs. Players must balance their income, sustain a positive rating and manage their emotions, as fulfilling Lina’s job as a rideshare driver is the only way they might reunite with her best friend Savy, who’s mysteriously gone missing. The game launches on Nintendo Switch this summer.</p>
<h3><a href="">Katana Zero</a><br /></h3>
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<p>Devolver Digital and askiisoft have created a stylish neo-noir action-platformer featuring breakneck action and instant-death combat. Players take on the role of an assassin, the Dragon, to slash, dash and manipulate time to unravel their past in a beautifully brutal acrobatic display. Players can overcome the opposition however the situation requires, as each level is uniquely designed for countless methods of completion. Deflect gunfire back at foes, dodge oncoming attacks and manipulate enemies and environments with traps and explosives. Leave no survivors. The game launches on Nintendo Switch on April 18, and is available for pre-purchase starting today.</p>
<h3><a href="">Creature In The Well</a></h3>
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<p>Flight School Studio challenges players to this top-down, pinball-inspired hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. Players venture deep into a desert mountain haunted by a desperate Creature to restore power to an ancient facility by charging energy orbs and having them bounce around and ricochet to reactivate dormant machinery. They will uncover and upgrade powerful gear to help them save the city of Mirage from a deadly sandstorm. The game launches on Nintendo Switch this summer.</p>
<h3><a href="">Bloodroots</a></h3>
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<p>Paper Cult delivers ultraviolence in a twisted Western revenge tale with a deranged cast of characters. Betrayed and left for dead, Mr. Wolf is hell-bent on finding his attacker and exacting revenge. Players can choreograph spectacular, bloody combos by making use of everything around them, from hatchets and ladders to … carrots? The game launches on Nintendo Switch this summer.</p>
<h3><a href="">Pine</a></h3>
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<p>Kongregate and Twirlbound offer a stirring open-world adventure with beautiful biomes to explore, puzzles to solve and secrets to discover. Players take on the role of Hue, a brave young adult who belongs to the last remaining tribe of humans on the island of Albamare. The island’s factions trade and fight with each other over food and territory, while Hue learns about ways to influence the ecology in search for a new home for the humans. The game launches on Nintendo Switch in August.</p>
<h3><a href="">Super Crate Box</a></h3>
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<p>Vlambeer’s <em>Super Crate Box</em> is coming to bring back the glory of the golden arcade age, when all that really mattered was getting on that high score list. The Nintendo Switch version will include exclusive two-player co-operative and competitive multiplayer for even more arcade mayhem. Prepare for an arcade delight with tight controls, refreshing game mechanics, cracking retro art and a terribly hip chiptune soundtrack when <em>Super Crate Box</em> launches in April.</p>
<h3><a href="">Nuclear Throne</a></h3>
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<p>Vlambeer’s post-apocalyptic roguelike-like top-down shooter challenges players to fight their way through the wastelands with powerful weaponry, collecting radiation to mutate some new limbs and abilities. The game offers 12 playable characters, seven playable main worlds, 30 ways to mutate characters and more than 120 weapons. The game launches on Nintendo Switch – today!</p>
<h3><a href="">Swimsanity!</a><br /></h3>
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<p>Decoy Games takes a deep dive with this multiplayer underwater shooter with action-packed co-op and versus game modes, all supported by online and local play. The game comes with an ocean of content, with more than 150 challenges across eight game modes. Players can toggle between classic dual-stick controls and motion aiming, whether they’re playing locally or online*. The game launches on Nintendo Switch this summer.</p>
<p>And here are a couple without trailers – check out the entire presentation below for footage:</p>
<h3>Vlambeer Arcade with ULTRABUGS</h3>
<p>Vlambeer Arcade is a collection of bite-sized games with a growing catalog that starts with <em>ULTRABUGS</em>, a fast-paced, high-score-centric game in which players pilot a ship to fight endless space bugs. The only problem is that those bugs then split up into <em>more</em> space bugs when they’re defeated. By beating boss monsters, players will unlock enemy DNA that they can use to customize their ship. Vlambeer Arcade with <em>ULTRABUGS</em> is coming to Nintendo Switch later this year.</p>
<h3><a href="">Darkwood</a></h3>
<p>Acid Wizard Studio and Crunching Koalas set their survivor horror game in East-Central Europe, in a forest possessed by unknown evil forces that corrupt all the inhabitants of the woods: people, animals and even the plants. Players can get new powers by extracting a strange essence from mutated fauna and flora and injecting it into their bloodstream. The game builds an atmospheric, psychological feeling of tension without the usual horror tricks of jump scares and creaking doors. The game launches on Nintendo Switch in May.</p>
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<p><em>So, what from that little lot takes your fancy? Let us know in the usual place.</em></p>

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