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News - Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 16th)

Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 16th)

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<p><em>We’ve made it to yet another weekend and it’s finally time to relax with some of our favourite games. After the excitement of the <a href="">physical Hollow Knight</a> release and the horror of seeing <a href="">Zelda: Breath of the Wild without its cel-shading</a> this week, team Nintendo Life has gathered to talk over our weekend gaming plans. You can read up on what we’re up to below, and make sure to join in via our poll and comment sections. Enjoy!</em></p>
<h2>Austin Voigt, contributing writer</h2>
<p>This is random, and I’m not sure why, but I’ve reverted back to the old 3DS to play a few throwbacks this weekend: <strong><a href="">Pokémon Alpha Sapphire</a></strong> (most hate this game, but I personally love it) as well as <strong><a href="">X &amp; Y</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">Animal Crossing: New Leaf</a></strong>, various <strong>Zelda</strong> titles, <strong><a href="">Luigi’s Mansion</a></strong>, etc. As I look at this list, I realize I may just be getting excited for all of the new games in these franchises coming out on Switch later this year… woah, insight.</p>
<h2>Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer</h2>
<p>This weekend I’m almost certainly going to be playing more of <strong><a href="">RICO</a></strong>. It’s giving me the shooter fix I need when I’m commuting or chilling out on the sofa. Even when things get really challenging in the latter parts of the campaign I just love it. Plus those weapon skins won’t earn themselves.</p>
<p>I’ll also be spending some time with <strong><a href="">Motorsport Manager</a></strong> on Switch. I played the original back on mobile a couple of years ago and really dug how well it captured the complexity and abject disappointment of modern F1. Here’s hoping this version lives up to expectations. Have a good ‘un!</p>
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<h2>Ryan Craddock, staff writer</h2>
<p>To be completely honest with you, I’ll likely be ditching the Switch this weekend to play through one of my old favourites on Steam (although it did also launch on Nintendo DS, so there’s no need to ban me from the site just yet). That old favourite is <a href=""><strong>Plants vs. Zombies</strong></a>, a strategy, tower defence-like game featuring a quirky cast of… Well, plants and zombies.</p>
<p>I’ve never played the DS version sadly, but I can wholeheartedly recommend it if it’s anything like its PC counterpart. There’s something so wonderfully addictive about it, and it’s one of the very few games that I’ve completed multiple times. I’ve been itching to play it for a few weeks, so I’m looking forward to hours of uninterrupted bliss.</p>
<h2>G<strong>onçalo Lopes, contributing writer</strong></h2>
<p><strong><a href="">Modern Combat Blackout</a></strong> is off the table! Oh, I still very much love it, but I am giving it a hard pass until Gameloft’s impending balancing patch that will nerf all the game breaking, no skill, auto-tracking guns into obscurity. This weekend brings the holy trinity of Nintendo events (<strong><a href="">Splatoon 2</a></strong> Splatfest, <strong><a href="">ARMS</a></strong> Party Crash Bash and <strong><a href="">Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</a></strong> spirit board event) so expect to see me online often.</p>
<p>Whenever I need a break from the online hustle, back to <strong><a href="">Assault Android Cactus+</a></strong> I go… and maybe a slice of the new <strong><a href="">Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker</a></strong> Special DLC chapter. My game of the week is naturally <strong>RICO</strong>. Kick door, shoot baddies, drop corny one-liner, rinse and repeat. Video gaming bliss!</p>
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<h2>Gavin Lane, staff writer</h2>
<p>After nabbing a 400GB micro SD card on sale a couple of weeks back, I’ve been redownloading all my archived games (nearly two days it’s taken me!) and I’m now looking at a fully loaded Switch with about 80GB to spare. So, this weekend I’ll be revisiting a few of the things I was forced to archive – namely <strong><a href="">DOOM</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">Yoku’s Island Express</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Thumper</a></strong>. I haven’t played <strong><a href="">Rocket League</a></strong> for ages, either, and that’s always a good time.</p>
<p>A conversation with a colleague also reminded me of the brilliance of <a href=""><strong>J</strong><strong>ust Shapes &amp; Beats</strong></a>, the musical bullet hell game I reviewed last year which seemed to get lost in the avalanche of eShop games – it’s an utter winner and just the notes of the opening theme put a big grin on my face, so I’ll be squeezing that in somewhere, too.</p>
<div id="poll-16mar-19-tpweekend" class="poll" data-uri="polls/16mar_19_tpweekend">
<div class="results">
<h3 class="heading">Which games are you playing this weekend? (280 votes)</h3>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="5 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">2%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Pokémon X &amp; Y</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="4 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Animal Crossing: New Leaf</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="5 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">2%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Luigi’s Mansion</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="4 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Motorsport Manager for Nintendo Switch</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="4 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Plants vs. Zombies</h4>
<p class="votes"><span class="bar accent-bg no-votes">&nbsp;</span> <span title="1 vote">0%</span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Yoku’s Island Express</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="4 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Thumper</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="2 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Rocket League</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="5 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">2%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Just Shapes &amp; Beats</h4>
<p class="votes"><span class="bar accent-bg no-votes">&nbsp;</span> <span title="1 vote">0%</span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Modern Combat Blackout</h4>
<p class="votes"><span class="bar accent-bg no-votes">&nbsp;</span> <span title="0 votes">0%</span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Splatoon 2</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="42 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">15%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="43 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">15%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Assault Android Cactus+</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="6 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">2%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="16 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">6%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Something else (comment below)</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="107 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">38%</span></span></p>
<p class="empty">Please <a href="">login</a> to vote in this poll.</p>
<p><em>As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days…</em></p>

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