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Free Ray Tracing Gems Book

Free Ray Tracing Gems Book

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="561" height="804" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>Finishing in hard cover form just in time for GTC 2019, NVidia and APress have team up to author <a href="">Ray Tracing Gems</a>, a book on real-time raytraced graphics development in the popular “Gems” format.  Even better, they are making digital chapters available as they are developed, free to those with a NVidia developer account (which is also free).  The chapters are distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 International <img width="300" height="430" align="right" src="" />License and are available for <a href="">download here</a>.  Unfortunately Part 5 is currently missing and parts 6 and 7 are slated to be published later this week.</p>
<p>Here is the current table of contents from the <a href="">RealTimeRendering homepage</a>:</p>
<li>PART 1: RAY TRACING BASICS, editor: Chris Wyman
<li>1. Ray Tracing Terminology, by Eric Haines and Peter Shirley </li>
<li>2. What is a Ray? by Peter Shirley, Ingo Wald, Tomas Akenine-Möller, and Eric Haines </li>
<li>3. Introduction to DirectX Raytracing, by Chris Wyman and Adam Marrs </li>
<li>4. A Planetarium Dome Master Camera, by John E. Stone </li>
<li>5. Computing Minima and Maxima of Subarrays, by Ingo Wald </li>
<li>6. A Fast and Robust Method for Avoiding Self-Intersection, by Carsten Wächter and Nikolaus Binder </li>
<li>7. Precision Improvements for Ray/Sphere Intersection, by Eric Haines, Johannes Günther, and Tomas Akenine-Möller </li>
<li>8. Cool Patches: A Geometric Approach to Ray/Bilinear Patch Intersections, by Alexander Reshetov </li>
<li>9. Multi-Hit Ray Tracing in DXR, by Christiaan Gribble </li>
<li>10. A Simple Load-Balancing Scheme with High Scaling Efficiency, by Dietger van Antwerpen, Daniel Seibert, and Alexander Keller </li>
<li>11. Automatic Handling of Materials in Nested Volumes, by Carsten Wächter and Matthias Raab </li>
<li>12. A Microfacet-Based Shadowing Function to Solve the Bump Terminator Problem, by Alejandro Conty Estevez, Pascal Lecocq, and Clifford Stein </li>
<li>13. Ray Traced Shadows: Maintaining Real-Time Frame Rates, by Jakub Boksansky, Michael Wimmer, and Jiri Bittner </li>
<li>14. Ray-Guided Volumetric Water Caustics in Single Scattering Media with DXR, by Holger Gruen </li>
<li>PART 4: SAMPLING, editor: Alexander Keller
<li>15. On the Importance of Sampling, by Matt Pharr </li>
<li>16. Sample Transformations Zoo, by Peter Shirley, Samuli Laine, David Hart, Matt Pharr, Petrik Clarberg, Eric Haines, Matthias Raab, and David Cline </li>
<li>17. Ignoring the Inconvenient When Tracing Rays, by Matt Pharr </li>
<li>18. Importance Sampling of Many Lights on the GPU, by Pierre Moreau and Petrik Clarberg </li>
<li>PART 5: DENOISING AND FILTERING, editor: Jacob Munkberg
<li>19. Cinematic Rendering in UE4 with Real-Time Ray Tracing and Denoising, by Edward Liu, Ignacio Llamas, Juan Cañada, and Patrick Kelly </li>
<li>20. Texture Level of Detail Strategies for Real-Time Ray Tracing, by Tomas Akenine-Möller, Jim Nilsson, Magnus Andersson, Colin Barré-Brisebois, Robert Toth, and Tero Karras </li>
<li>21. Simple Environment Map Filtering Using Ray Cones and Ray Differentials, by Tomas Akenine-Möller and Jim Nilsson </li>
<li>22. Improving Temporal Antialiasing with Adaptive Ray Tracing, by Adam Marrs, Josef Spjut, Holger Gruen, Rahul Sathe, and Morgan McGuire </li>
<li>23. Interactive Light Map and Irradiance Volume Preview in Frostbite, by Diede Apers, Petter Edblom, Charles de Rousiers, and Sébastien Hillaire </li>
<li>24. Real-Time Global Illumination with Photon Mapping, by Niklas Smal and Maksim Aizenshtein </li>
<li>25. Hybrid Rendering for Real-Time Ray Tracing, by Colin Barré-Brisebois, Henrik Halén, Graham Wihlidal, Andrew Lauritzen, Jasper Bekkers, Tomasz Stachowiak, and Johan Andersson </li>
<li>26. Deferred Hybrid Path Tracing, by Thomas Schander, Clemens Musterle, and Stephan Bergmann </li>
<li>27. Interactive Ray Tracing Techniques for High-Fidelity Scientific Visualization, by John E. Stone </li>
<li>PART 7: GLOBAL ILLUMINATION, editor: Matt Pharr
<li>28. Ray Tracing Inhomogeneous Volumes, by Matthias Raab </li>
<li>29. Efficient Particle Volume Splatting in a Ray Tracer, by Aaron Knoll, R. Keith Morley, Ingo Wald, Nick Leaf, and Peter Messmer </li>
<li>30. Caustics Using Screen Space Photon Mapping, by Hyuk Kim </li>
<li>31. Variance Reduction via Footprint Estimation in the Presence of Path Reuse, by Johannes Jendersie </li>
<li>32. Accurate Real-Time Specular Reflections with Radiance Caching, by Antti Hirvonen, Atte Seppälä, Maksim Aizenshtein, and Niklas Smal </li>
<p>Once compiled the electronic version of the book will remain freely downloadable, although in what formats has yet to be determined. </p>
<p align="center"><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='853' height='480' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe></p>
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