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News - This Week At Bungie – 2/14/2019

This Week At Bungie – 2/14/2019

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1183" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, Lord Shaxx is screaming sweet nothings into our ears. </p>
<p>With the return of Crimson Days, flowers fall again in the Tower. Love is in the air. Lord Shaxx is handing out rewards in exchange for Confectionary Hearts. Go see him to load up on bounties, grab a date, and join the dance. </p>
<div>If you want the full scoop on Crimson Days, it’s all <a href="" title="" target="">right here</a>. Crimson Days will continue until the weekly reset on February 19, so finish those bounties while you can. There is a max-Power Bow to be won by you and your partner!</div>
<p>Ever since Trials of the Nine went on hiatus back in Season 4, many of you have been asking when it will come back and how it will be evolving. We still don’t have a timeline for when it may return, but we do want to give you an update on our current thinking about Trials. Here is the team to fill you in. </p>
<p><b>Destiny Dev Team</b>: As longtime Destiny players know, Trials of Osiris was released in May of 2015 as the original high-stakes weekend PvP event. Trials had an amazing impact on our game and our community. It was a pinnacle venue for players to show off their best skills, strategies, and gear. The 3v3 elimination mode combined with the card system created the coveted reward of earning a trip to the Lighthouse.</p>
<p>With the introduction of Trials of the Nine in Destiny 2, we made a few changes to the formula which never really hit the same mark. We were unhappy with its role in the ecosystem. The new activity wasn’t achieving the goal of bringing the community together every weekend. Both Destiny and the online PvP scene have evolved since 2015, so we don’t believe that bringing back the 2015 version of Trials of Osiris would accomplish what our goals are today.</p>
<p>Until we have a solid prototype for a pinnacle PvP endgame activity, Trials is staying on hiatus indefinitely and will not return over the course of the next few seasons. When we have those new plans ready, we’ll be sure to share them with you.</p>
<h2>Ironing Board</h2>
<p>Next week, after the rose petals have been cleared out by the sweeper bot, Lord Saladin will return to the Tower with a competition fit for Iron Lords. He’s missing out on Crimson Days, so he’ll make up for it with another round of Iron Banner. This is the final Iron Banner for the Season of the Forge, as well as your last chance to collect the Iron Fellowship armor set before this vendor is refreshed next season. The Crimil’s Dagger Hand Cannon and Hero’s Burden SMG will continue to be available next season as post-match drops and rewards from Saladin. </p>
<p>Take a look at the weapons Saladin will have available in his inventory next week.</p>
<img src=";av=2803881213" /></div>
<p><b>Iron Banner</b></p>
<p><b>Begins: February 19, 2019</b></p>
<p><b>Ends: February 26, 2019</b></p>
<p>Make sure you turn in all of your completed bounties before the end of the season. When the Season of the Drifter begins, they will be removed from your inventory. Your Iron Banner tokens will persist into the next season. Good luck out there, Guardians!</p>
<h2>Love Shaxx, Baby</h2>
<img src=";av=2803881213" /></div>
<p>Come rain, sleet, or snow—lots and lots of snow—the Player Support Team will always be there monitoring the Help forums and diagnosing issues.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><h3>Crimson Daze</h3>
<p>In case you didn’t know it, Crimson Days has returned to Destiny 2. Lord Shaxx invites all players to engage in jolly cooperation, by forging their bonds in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist.</p>
<p>If you have yet to jump into this playlist, don’t worry. Listed below are the key features you should be aware of that set this playlist apart from the standard Crucible experience.</p>
<li><b>Player Count</b>: Crimson Days Crucible is a 2v2 experience. Players can jump in solo if they choose, or in a pre-made fireteam with a partner.</li>
<li><b>Reunited</b>: Reunited is a special buff that increases the recharge rate of Guardian abilities for teammates who stick close together.</li>
<li><b>Falling Apart</b>: Falling Apart is a debuff that grants enemy teammates waypoints to your locations when you and your teammate drift too far apart.</li>
<li><b>Vengeance</b>: Vengeance is triggered when a player’s teammate is defeated in combat. For a short time, the surviving player is granted significantly increased ability regeneration and receives a small portion of their health back.</li>
<div>If you’re looking for more information on Crimson Days, have a look at our <a href="" title="" target="">Crimson Days Guide</a>. Players who encounter gameplay issues should report them to the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help forum</a>.</div>
<p><h3><i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.2.0 Resolved Issues Preview—Part 1</h3>
<p>With Season of the Drifter inbound, we’d like to kick off a new conversation on the current player-impacting issues that are expected to be resolved with Update 2.2.0 in early March.</p>
<p>These issues include:</p>
<li><b>Black Armory Key Mold</b>: Players can obtain the Black Armory Key Mold only on their first character to receive it from Ada-1. More info can be found <a href="" title="" target="">here</a>.</li>
<li><b>Dreaming City Chests</b>: Dreaming City chests do not count toward the Black Armory Key Mold objective.</li>
<li><b>Obsidian Accelerator</b>: Obsidian Accelerator consumables do not recover to the postmaster when the player’s inventory is full.</li>
<li><b>“A Cold Wind Blowin’”</b>: The emblem “A Cold Wind Blowin’” cannot be reclaimed from the Collection if stowed.</li>
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<li><b>“Relic Rumble”: </b>The “Relic Rumble” Triumph is currently not achievable.</li>
<li>In Update 2.2.0, this Triumph will unlock when players complete the Nightfall strike “The Corrupted” by defeating Sedia using no more than two relics.</li>
<li>UPDATE 02/15: Previously, we reported that only this triumph’s description is incorrect, implying that this triumph was currently achievable. That was incorrect, and we have updated this section to make clear that players cannot currently pop this triumph.</li>
<li><b>Character Boost Completion Rewards</b>: Characters who use a Level 30 boost are not granted their class Sword or emblem if they have not already completed the Red War campaign.</li>
<li><b>Base D2 Crucible Rewards</b>: Players who own only the base Destiny 2 game can receive rewards from Lord Shaxx’s rank-up packages that drop at Year 2 Power levels, which cannot be equipped.</li>
<li><b>Collection Counter</b>: The Collection badge counter incorrectly only counts 10 badges instead of 11.</li>
<div>Check back next week for part two of our Resolved Issues Preview. For the full <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.2.0 patch notes when they are available, players should monitor our <a href="" title="" target="">Updates page</a>.</div>
<h2>Popped Corn</h2>
<img src=";av=2803881213" /></div>
<p>Welcome to yet another edition of Movie of the Week. This is where we feature you! Every week we pick a few of our favorite videos created by the community and share them here for all to see. The creators of said video get a special emblem for their effort to boot! Here are this week’s winners.</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week</b>: Shattered Throne Flawless Solo No Hud Run</p>
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<p><b>Honorable Mention</b>: RISE</p>
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<p>News about <i>Destiny </i>is random and light this week. Winter visited in the Pacific Northwest and blanketed all its splendor with an immovable object. We don’t tend to maintain the irresistible force of a fleet of plow trucks for the one week out of the year that looks like this, so earlier in the week, we hunkered down with our laptops and waited for the whole thing to blow over. That doesn’t mean that our progress has been interrupted. We’ve been working from our homes to prepare for next season and are back in the office now as the white fluffy powder devolves into a brownish mush. Season of the Drifter will arrive on March 5 with some exciting evolutions for your Guardian lifestyle. We’ll begin that conversation soon…</p>
<div>Between now and then, you have a few weeks to reap all the rewards from Season of the Forge. Have you got the new Bow? I’ve got mine. I’m having a great time in Crimson Doubles. Keep an eye out this weekend and you might see me out in the wild. Enjoy the rest of Cr<a href="" title="" target="">i</a>mson Days!</div>
<p><b>&lt;3 Cozmo</b></p>

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