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News - Crimson Days 2019

Crimson Days 2019

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="2560" height="1440" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p><i>“Do you hear that? Love beckons. And when love beckons, who among us can say no?”</i> —Lord Shaxx</p>
<p>Crimson Days returns on Tuesday, February 12. This year’s event will be similar to the one from last year, but we have changed a few things up and added a few new rewards.  </p>
<p>Crimson Doubles is the 2v2 Crucible playlist at the center of the event. The combat scenario is 2v2 Clash with a round-based twist. Stay in close proximity to your partner and your abilities will recharge at a faster rate. Stray too far, and your enemies will be given a waypoint leading to your location. If you can’t find a partner, don’t worry, we’ll play matchmaker and find one for you. To sweeten the deal we will be turning on Valor bonuses throughout the event for both Crimson Doubles and all other Crucible modes. </p>
<img src=";av=2803881213" /></div>
<p>You will start out by speaking with Lord Shaxx in the Tower, who will give you the Fire of the Crimson Days emblem. He will have five Crimson Bounties available for you. Crucible not your cup of tea? The Bounties will send you to both PVE and PVP activities. There will be four daily bounties and one weekly bounty which calls for you to  duo Nightfall with your partner. </p>
<h2>The Rewards</h2>
<p>Last year there was a series of rewards for completing specific activities. The rewards are returning, but the way you earn them has changed. Shaxx will be giving out Confectionery Hearts for completing Crimson Doubles matches and turning in Crimson Bounties. You will use those to purchase the rewards.</p>
<p>Some of you may have some or all of the rewards from last year, so we have added two new rewards for you to earn.</p>
<p>Similar to Horror Story in the last Festival of the Lost, a max power weapon will be available during Crimson Days. Shaxx will be offering a new bow, “The Vow”, in exchange for Confectionery Hearts. </p>
<p>The Vow comes fully masterworked and is the first bow available to all players of Destiny 2 and will be Power 650 for Forsaken players. Here it is in action.</p>
<p>While you are playing Crimson Doubles you will be earning 7 Confectionery Hearts with every win and 5 for every loss. Each daily bounty will reward you with 15 Hearts, and the weekly Nightfall Duo bounty will give you 75! Here are the Confectionery Heart costs for each reward Shaxx is offering: </p>
<p><b>Tirastrella Legendary Ghost Shell – 25</b></p>
<p><b>Undeterred Exotic Sparrow – 50</b></p>
<p><b>The Vow Legendary Bow – 100</b></p>
<p><b>Wardcliff Coil Ornament – 125</b></p>
<p><b>Flaunting Dance Legendary Emote – 150</b></p>
<p><b>Warmhearted Gift Package – 15</b></p>
<p>If you are still looking to spend your extra hearts, Shaxx will also be offering a Warmhearted Gift Package that will give you a chance to receive Enhancement Cores, weapons, mods, gear, and resources. </p>
<p>That’s not all. Along with these reward there will be a set of Crimson Days Triumphs for you to complete. We don’t want to spoil all the treats and reveal the Triumphs just yet, but we will let you know the sweet reward for completing them all. </p>
<p>If you complete all of the Crimson Days Triumphs, you will earn the Sugary Ghost Shell. </p>
<h2>Double Drops</h2>
<p>Double drops are back. A Crimson Engram will drop with every Bright Engram a player earns. Crimson Engrams will also be available for Silver. The contents of the Engram have not changed, so if you didn’t get everything you wanted last year or are new to Destiny, this is your chance to grab some of these items.</p>
<p>The Tiny Bow Emote and the Shot through the Heart Ornament for The Vow will also be available for direct purchase in Eververse bundles. </p>
<p>Crimson Days will begin next Tuesday, February 12, and conclude on the weekly reset at 9 AM PST on Tuesday, February 19. Start looking for a partner to be your Crimson Bond and get ready for a fun week of hearts, sweets, and fun.  </p>
<h2>Showing some Love</h2>
<div>When earning the legendary bow from Lord Shaxx, The Vow, players will receive a discount code to unlock The Vow Hoodie for purchase from <a href="" title="" target="">Bungie Rewards</a>.</div>
<div>In addition, every purchase comes with a Bungie Foundation pin and the <a href="" title="" target="">Bungie Store</a> will donate $7 for each pin distributed during Crimson Days directly to support the Bungie Foundation’s granting of technology wishes for Make-A-Wish in honor of you.</div>
<img src=";av=2803881213" /></div>
<p> Make sure you’ve opted-in for email notifications on to receive your discount code. Players will have through February 19 at 9AM Pacific to redeem this Bungie Reward offer.</p>

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