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News - Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 26th)

Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 26th)

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<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Pikuniku Cropped" href=""><img src="" alt="Pikuniku Cropped" /></a></figure>
<p><em>It’s Saturday (unless you’re reading in this in the future, of course) which means that it’s time for yet another weekend Talking Point. As always, we’ve rounded up various members of the Nintendo Life team and forc- *ahem*… kindly asked them to share their weekend plans, so make sure to give them a read before getting involved with our poll and comment sections below. Enjoy!</em></p>
<h2>Austin Voigt, contributing writer</h2>
<p>This weekend, I’m actually headed out to London for a gaming meetup with friends, so I’ll be once again admiring my Switch’s portable capabilities in airports, planes and trains. I’ve got a friend with me, so it’ll likely be some good old fashioned <strong><a href="">Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">Smash Ultimate</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Splatoon 2</a></strong>. Maybe even a little two-player <strong><a href="">Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!</a></strong>. I’m sure we’ll either annoy the heck out of the other passengers on our flight across the pond or start some cool aeroplane-wide Mario Kart tournament with everyone else – who knows!</p>
<h2>Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent</h2>
<p>Intentionally avoiding the horrors of a certain classic remake (because I’m a massive wuss and can’t be playing that kind of malarkey at the moment), I’m delving into a wonderfully wacky world I’ve had my eye on for quite some time: <strong><a href="">Pikuniku</a></strong>. Trying to stay away from footage and reviews as much as possible (apart from our handsome talisman Alex’s video) it’s as if George Orwell made a Mr Men game and I absolutely adore it.</p>
<p>It actually inspired me to revisit a Switch launch game – <strong><a href="">Snipperclips</a></strong>. Of course, the co-op and competitive multiplayer are hilariously brilliant, but I again appreciate the single player with its charm, moments of methodical thinking and fun puzzle solving.</p>
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<h2>Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer</h2>
<p>This weekend I’ll be returning to a platforming gem almost no one seems to remember from the sixth gen, <strong><a href="">Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy</a></strong>. It’s been given an HD makeover and it’s headed to Switch so of course I’m going to see if it’s got what it takes to live again in a new era of consoles. I’ll also likely doing be doing my usual thing of flitting between <strong><a href="">Warframe</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Paladins</a></strong> because, presumably, I’m only truly happy when I’m shooting things to death in a game!</p>
<h2>Ryan Craddock, staff writer</h2>
<p>This weekend looks like it might be a pretty busy, time-consuming one for me, so my gaming time might be sadly limited. Having said that, I’m sure my recent rediscovered love for <strong>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</strong> will make an appearance at some point – I’ve never really played Mario Kart online before, as I don’t tend to like playing anything online really, but I’ve been enjoying the added tension that actual, real-life humans can provide. <em>I need to get out more, I know.</em></p>
<p>Elsewhere, I still haven’t found the time to play <a href=""><strong>GRIS</strong></a>, despite the fact that it’s been sitting on my console for over a month now. Hopefully I can get a little bit of time to start that soon as I’ve only heard wonderful things.</p>
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<h2>Liam Doolan, news reporter</h2>
<p>Earlier this week I bought <strong><a class="external" href="">Mutant Mudds Collection</a></strong>, <strong><a class="external" href="">Xeodrifter</a></strong> and <strong><a class="external" href="">Soccer Slammers</a></strong> in the Atooi sale on the Switch eShop. So this weekend my plan is to play them all. Mutant Mudds is a game I’ve been meaning to revisit for a long time to try out the additional modes Super Challenge and Mudd Blocks. When I’m not playing either of these, I’ll be spending time in the <strong><a class="external" href="">Metroid</a></strong>-inspired game Xeodrifter, while trying to come to terms with the fact the development of <strong><a class="external" href="">Metroid Prime 4</a></strong> has been reset.</p>
<h2>Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer</h2>
<p>Moe weekend! It will be all about <a href=""><strong>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes</strong></a> for me; I welcome all this Suda51 insanity with a passion and despite knowing full well no one will remember the game by the year’s end, I am certain this is one of the 2019 Switch GOTY candidates. Elsewhere a bit of <strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong> and as much as I can possibly fit into <strong><a href="">Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition</a></strong>. Hmm, I got a bit of the sniffles… hopefully not the G Virus.</p>
<p>My game of the week goes to <strong>Pikuniku</strong>! What a delightful, minimalist journey where a flying kick solves most issues. If only real life were this simple…</p>
<h2>Gavin Lane, contributing writer</h2>
<p>This weekend I shall be mostly playing <strong><a href="">Downwell</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">OlliOlli: Switch Stance</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">When Ski Lifts Go Wrong</a></strong>, all for your reading pleasure over the coming week(s). It would be nice to make a dent in the backlog, too – <strong><a href="">Dark Souls Remastered</a></strong> isn’t going to play itself! – but I’ll also be knee-deep in IKEA furniture, so most of my time will be spent spinning teeny Allen keys and shooing cats out of empty packaging.</p>
<p>Don’t feel too sorry for me, though. Without wanting to spoil anything, that Downwell is still <em>per-ritty</em> good.</p>
<div id="poll-25jan-19-tpweekend" class="poll">
<div class="results">
<h3 class="heading">Which games are you playing this weekend? (202 votes)</h3>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="15 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">7%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="47 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">23%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Splatoon 2</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="11 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">5%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="10 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">5%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Pikuniku</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="11 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">5%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Snipperclips – Cut it out, together!</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="2 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Warframe</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="1 vote"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Paladins</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="1 vote"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="14 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">7%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="12 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">6%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">When Ski Lifts Go Wrong</h4>
<p class="votes"><span class="bar accent-bg no-votes"> </span> <span title="0 votes">0%</span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Dark Souls: Remastered</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="5 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">2%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Mutant Mudds Collection</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="2 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Soccer Slammers</h4>
<p class="votes"><span class="bar accent-bg no-votes"> </span> <span title="0 votes">0%</span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Xeodrifter</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="2 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">1%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Something else (comment below)</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="61 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">30%</span></span></p>
<p class="empty">Please <a href="">login</a> to vote in this poll.</p>
<p><em>As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days…</em></p>

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