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Mobile - Paradox Interactive has acquired Prison Architect in all its forms

Paradox Interactive has acquired Prison Architect in all its forms

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<p> <span class="author">By Joe Robinson</span> <span class="date">08 Jan 2019</span> </p>
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<p>Paradox Interactive isn’t exactly a ‘house name’ when it comes to mobile gaming, they’ve dabbled, sure, but they’re mainly known in the PC strategy space. If you’re a mobile gamer and only a mobile gamer, you may recognise them as the publisher of the iOS and Android versions of <em>Prison Architect</em>.</p>
<p>A management/sim game where you can create and run prisons, <em>Prison Architect</em> was released on PC in 2015, and that was AFTER a stint in early access. Another studio (Double Eleven) was brought on board to bring the game to console mid-2016, and then Paradox Interactive and a third developer, Tag Games, finally brought <em>Prison Architect</em> to mobile in May 2017.</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='654' height='368' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">We quite liked it</a> – it was a bit fiddly In terms of interface, and the free-to-try was trying to skirt that awkward line between premium and free-to-play, but it was a decent enough PC-to-mobile experience which fleshed out a rather under-served genre.</p>
<p>Well, it’s possible we’re going to be seeing a lot more <em>Prison Architect</em> and other such games, now that Paradox Interactive has purchased the rights to the IP from Introversion. This includes the IP, and the rights to publish and develop the game across ALL platforms. So instead of just publishing the mobile ports, Paradox will be in charge of the PC and Console releases as well.</p>
<p>It makes sense, given Paradox’s work with other management games like <em>Surviving Mars</em> and <em>Cities: Skylines</em>, but it remains to be seen what this mean’s for the company’s future on mobile. It’s not their expertise after all, but I hope whatever they do for the IP next they remember to send it our way as well.</p>

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