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News - Community Focus – CammyCakes

Community Focus – CammyCakes

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<p>Our focus this week is a skilled player who enjoys taking the road less traveled. This Crucible warrior wields weapons that are often passed over by others, and does so with elegance. </p>
<p>Please meet CammyCakes. </p>
<p><b>Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the Destiny Community.</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: I don’t do intros. Well, at least I don’t on YouTube. </p>
<p>Hi, I’m Cammy and long story short: I was lucky and somehow built a humble following by using terrible weapons not so terribly.</p>
<p>As far as my role in the community goes, on occasion I stumble onto something both equally genius and idiotic. I find I’m constantly asking myself, “If I don’t do this, then who will?” Then it leads to putting this madness in practice, which ends up resulting in a missile Titan’s Thundercrash Super going through a Gambit teleporter and somehow taking out the only player with 15 motes. </p>
<p><b>Practical madness. Got it. Where can we find you on the internet?</b></p>
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<p><b>I’m going right now to smash that “like” button. What has been your favorite subclass and weapon?</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: My favorite is most definitely the Warlock’s Attunement of Grace. I feel like Oprah when I play it. “Check under your seats! YOU get a healing ‘nade. EVERYONE gets a healing ‘nade!”</p>
<p>Fun fact: I was a cheerleader in high school. It’s actually how I ended up with the nickname CammyCakes. When I play healer Warlock, I am the encapsulating definition of a cheerleader, and I love it. </p>
<p>As for weapon? I can’t name just one. It’s the whole package. It’s a lifestyle. I’m referring to the SnipeLion. I used Fighting Lion when it hit 57 with splash damage. I thought it was overpowered back then. Now it delivers tactical nukes without the need for a killstreak. </p>
<p>And that’s not even the best part. Pair this baby with a snipe, and you’ll have the capabilities to either snipe someone outright, or clean them up around the corner with a lion bank shot. You would think shotgunners would be an issue. But dust off that Geometry doctorate, and angle the lion at the floor or ceiling to increase travel distance, so you can detonate right in their face and show them what Mindbender’s ambition truly means.</p>
<p><b>It’s always great seeing creative uses of the sandbox. What can we expect to see on your channels?</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: I’ve been partial to live commentaries, where I either give tips on the fly in a match, or make terrible jokes to pass the time. I’ll also do weapon/armor reviews, and discuss the pros and cons of interesting builds. On occasion I’ll post competitive tips, and highlights from great matches. On Twitch, I drink tea and shoot things in a cave for hours.</p>
<p><b>Not all of your jokes are terrible. What is one of your favorite moments playing Destiny 2?</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: Before the Forsaken changes were implemented, I understood that the days of the primary were numbered. I knew every callout, crevice, and subclass quirk. I cranked the headphones up and learned every sound. I paid attention to nuanced things like shadows and dust particles.</p>
<p>Never have I felt so in tune with my team, my aim, and my decision making. Despite not liking the Wormhusk, Dire Promise, and Graviton Lance/Tractor Cannon, I played my heart out in the competitive playlist, and made so many great memories with awesome friends. Nothing beats the feeling of a fancy strafe 3 tap with a 110RPM handcannon. </p>
<p><b>What are your first impressions of the Season of the Forge so far?</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: I’ll break down my first impressions of Black Armory’s Forge into likes, dislikes, and how it can be improved.</p>
<p>Likes: it’s a bite-sized activity with guaranteed unique loot. Great to laugh with friends and have a (responsible) drink with.</p>
<p>Dislikes: It’s fairly predictable and could be grindy soon as a result.</p>
<p>How it can be improved: Provide PvP alternatives for weapon charging. More random elements during the activity to spice it up. Continually reward time investment with more deterministic rewards. </p>
<p>My thoughts on the raid are mixed. I appreciate the setting and scale, because nothing feels more bad-ass than an urban assault. I particularly liked the free-roam nature of the final boss. The difficulty on launch leaves a bit to be desired after experiencing Last Wish.</p>
<p><b>Anything else you would like to add?</b></p>
<p><b>CC</b>: Be nice to your fellow Guardian. Shoot someone a compliment every now and then. Reach out and make new friends. Don’t blindly be swayed by a content creator. Test things out yourself and add to the conversation in a constructive way.</p>
<p>Thanks for being awesome, Destiny community. </p>
<p>Well said. Thank you for taking the time to tell us more about yourself and your channels.</p>
<div>Make sure you stop by and see some of <a href="" title="" target="">Cammy’s videos</a>. He has a lot of content to keep you entertained when you are away from your console/PC. As always, if you have an idea of who we should write about in the future, let us know on the forums using the tag <a href=";tSort=Default&amp;tType=None&amp;tg=communityfocus&amp;d=0&amp;lang=en" title="" target="">#CommunityFocus</a>.</div>

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