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Mobile - The Weekender: No Android Edition

The Weekender: No Android Edition

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<p>What is this nonsense? The Weekender on a Thursday? Where’s the manager!? Oh right, that’s me… Due to some annual leave I’m taking over the next two weeks, you’re getting our usual weekly update on a Thursday.</p>
<p>Hope that doesn’t shatter your world views or anything…</p>
<h2>What we’re up to</h2>
<p>Following up on the <em>Diablo Immortal</em> announcement, we had Nick <a href="" target="_blank">whip up a critical analysis on what that game needs to do right</a> in order to compete with the already existing (and thriving) action-RPG genre on mobile. It’s not enough to just turn up with the IP, after all.</p>
<p>We also brought you an in-depth look at <a href="" target="_blank"><em>C&amp;C Rivals</em>’ beta version</a>, ahead of its launch on December 4<sup>th</sup>. Only one review this week – <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Squids Odyssey</em></a>.</p>
<p>In terms of upcoming projects:</p>
<li>A new guide on excellent games like <em>Pokemon Go/Ingress Prime.</em></li>
<li>Reviews of <em>Royal </em>Adviser &amp; <em>Football Manager 2019.</em></li>
<li>Our Black Friday coverage will be continually updated through-out the week.</li>
<p>You’ll also have noticed we’ve been updating our strategy genre ‘Best of Lists’ through-out the week. We’ll probably be updating a few more as well through-out the rest of the month. Tomorrow, we’re kicking off our Black Friday sales coverage, as a few places are already getting a head start on that.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, in the mobile gaming…</p>
<h2>Out Now</h2>
<p>Only two projects caught our eye this week, and they’re both only on iOS. Sorry Android readers!</p>
<h3>Black Paradox (<a href="" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a>)</h3>
<p>Nothing screams science-fiction than time-travel and black holes, and arcade-shooter-roguelite thing <em>Black Paradox</em> is positively belting out its retro sci-fi imagery. You play as a Bounty Hunter who travels around in a space car, which you can upgrade with lots of weapons and power-ups.</p>
<p>You also get to unleash a killer move of the same name, apparently. It’s not our usual fare, but it’s colourful and provides plenty of content at a reasonable price. Pretty sure I played this game on my Commodore 64 as a kid, except you were Santa Claus.</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<h3>Endless Archery (<a href="" target="_blank">iPhone</a>)</h3>
<p><em>Angry Birds</em> may have been one of the early posterchilds for the F2P phenomenon, but it’s core gameplay offering was pretty solid. Throw a bird at a pre-made structure and try to cause as much devastation to get the most points. <em>Endless Archery</em>, while involving neither birds nor structures, feels like it might inspire the same kind of desire to master.</p>
<p>You fire arrows at distant targets by setting the angle and power of each shot, accounting for wind and the procedurally generated terrain. Even in real-life Archery is kind of cool and trying to master your shots in digital form should be no less engaging. It also comes with online leaderboards for never-ending humble brags.</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p>Both of this week’s updates actually dropped last week, so apologies for that.</p>
<h3>Crashlands (<a href="" target="_blank">Review</a>) (<a href="" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a> &amp; <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">Android</a>)</h3>
<p>One of our favourite action-RPGs has gotten even better. The update last week added same-screen co-op, where player 2 plays as Juicebox. This works with both players using gamepads or just player 2 using a gamepad, more details on that <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. There were a few other minor QoL changes as well.</p>
<h3>Templar Battleforce Elite (<a href="" target="_blank">Review</a>) (<a href="" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">Android</a>)</h3>
<p>This was in last week’s Sales update, and from what we can tell it’s still going cheap on iOS if anyone wants to pick it up. The November 8<sup>th</sup> update added a bunch of new weapons and changed some existing ones, as well as adjusting spawn rates of Xeno enemies.</p>
<p>We’re not reporting on any sales today as we’ll be kicking off a week-long sales guide to prepare you for Black Friday starting tomorrow. I’ve had a quick look – you’re not missing out on much, other than <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Icewind Dale</em></a> being ridiculously cheap on iOS.</p>
<p>There’s not been a lot of Android love this week, but <em><a href="" target="_blank">Door Kickers</a></em> is also having a sale on Google Play, if you haven’t picked that up yet.</p>
<p><em>Seen anything else you like? Played any of the above? Let us know in the comments!</em></p>

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