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Xbox Wire - All You Need to Know About the Battlefield V Open Beta

All You Need to Know About the Battlefield V Open Beta

<div><div class="media_block"><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></div>
<p>The November launch of<a href=""> <em><strong>Battlefield V</strong> </em></a>creeps closer. To ease the burden of waiting, there is an opportunity just around the corner to play the game on your Xbox One. The <em>Battlefield V</em> open beta starts Thursday, September 6 at 1 a.m. PDT and runs until Tuesday, September 11 at 7 a.m. PDT. <a href="">You can pre-order <em>Battlefield V </em>and join the open beta today, Tuesday, September 4 at 1 a.m. PDT</a>.</p>
<p>Here are some key dates to jot down:</p>
<p><strong>Pre-Load of Open Beta Starts</strong><br />September 3, 1 am PT (10 am CET<strong>)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Open Beta Early Access Starts</strong><br />September 4, 1 am PT (10 am CET)</p>
<p><strong>Open Beta Available for Everyone</strong><br />September 6, 1 am PT (10 am CET)</p>
<p><strong>Open Beta Ends </strong><br />September 11, 7 am PT (4 pm CET)</p>
<p><strong>Why are We Doing an Open Beta?</strong><br />The <em>Battlefield V</em> open beta lets us test the game running in a live environment with a high player count. We’re testing technical aspects like server stability as well as gameplay – things like weapon balancing and progression. It’s also an opportunity to collect feedback from participating players. Give us your comments and feedback on the open beta <a href="">here on the <em>Battlefield V </em>forums</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Maps You’ll Fight On and Game Modes You’ll Tackle</strong><br />Among the snowy Norwegian landscapes of the Narvik map, you’ll be able to play both Conquest and two “days” of the <a href="">Grand Operation</a> Fall of Norway. Those are in-game days, by the way. Grand Operations contain several of these days, with one game mode featured in each. In Fall of Norway, Day 1 will be spent in the Airborne mode, where you’ll paradrop down to the battlefield and be on either side of a fight where explosives are deployed on control points. Day 2 features Breakthrough, where your team either attacks or defends vital sectors. In this mode, stay aggressive and tactical as an attacker, or use on-the-fly planning to keep the enemy at bay when defending.</p>
<p>Then there’s new scenery to explore: Rotterdam. You’ll fight in the streets of the Dutch city in its pristine, pre-war state before battles left it in devastation. Deploy on this map and try the signature <em>Battlefield V</em> game mode: Conquest. Returning to classic rules, Conquest is a 64-player fight where two teams fight for control over key flags on the map. Hold the majority of these points to drain the opposition’s score and win the day.</p>
<p><img class="lazyload alignnone size-full wp-image-100754" src="" alt="Battlefield V Beta Info Image" width="3072" height="1728"/></p>
<p><noscript><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-100754" src="" alt="Battlefield V Beta Info Image" width="3072" height="1728"/></noscript></p>
<p><strong>Vehicles and Reinforcements</strong><br />Five iconic World War II tanks and seven aircraft will be at your disposal in the <em>Battlefield V</em> open beta. Deploy as a Tanker and bring the big guns to the fight including the Valentine Mk VIII, Churchill Mk VII, Churchill Gun Carrier, Panzer IV, and the Tiger I. If you prefer soaring through the skies, support your team from above in the Spitfire Mk VA, Spitfire Mk VB, Blenheim Mk IF, Bf 109 G-2, Ju 87 Stuka B-2, Ju 87 Stuka B-1, and the C47.</p>
<p>In addition, you’ll be able to fend off flying foes with stationary and towable AA Guns. Tanks giving you trouble? Use the Anti-Tank Guns, also stationary or towable.</p>
<p>A Squad Leader who’s collected enough Squad Points will get the thrilling opportunity to unleash the powerful reinforcements. If you played any of the closed alphas, you’ll recognize the terrifying sight of the two heavy tanks: the British Churchill Crocodile and the German Sturmtiger.</p>
<p>Also returning from the Alphas are the JB-2 and V-1 Rocket Strikes that will send enemies flying. New this time around are the Supply Canister Drops. These are sources of health and ammunition, paradropped in the battlefield at the cost of 7,500 requisition points.</p>
<p><strong>Classes and Combat Roles</strong><br />The four main classes are available in the <em>Battlefield V</em> open beta: Assault, Recon, Medic, and Support. Each class will have several combat roles in <em>Battlefield V</em>, and in the open beta you’ll get to try one for each class.</p>
<p>Every combat role comes with unique traits. If you, for instance, play as Recon, its sniper combat role will grant you the tactical retreat trait, meaning you’ll sprint faster in critical health states. The field medic combat role comes with a syringe revive trait, which allows you to revive all teammates (not only those in your squad) with your syringe.</p>
<p><img class="lazyload alignnone size-full wp-image-100755" src="" alt="Battlefield V Beta Info Image" width="3072" height="1728"/></p>
<p><noscript><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-100755" src="" alt="Battlefield V Beta Info Image" width="3072" height="1728"/></noscript></p>
<p><strong>Weapons</strong><br />Picking a class in the open beta also means – to some extent – picking a weapon type. The Support class wields the powerful light machine guns, such as KE7, Bren Gun, and FG-42 – but also the M30 Drilling Shotgun. Medic players can play the objective with the sub-machineguns STEN, Suomi KP/31, MP40, and EMP.</p>
<p>If you’re in the heat of the battle with the Assault class, use semi-automatic weapons like the Turner SMLE, M1A1 Carbine, and Gewehr 43, or the StG 44 assault rifle. If you’re further from battle with the Recon class, rack up headshots with bolt-action rifles – here you can choose between the Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I, ZH-29, or the Kar98k.</p>
<p>Add sidearms, melee weapons, grenades, and gadgets to this and you’ll have a powerful, versatile arsenal to try out in your Open Beta fights.</p>
<p><strong>A Taste of the Tides of War</strong><br />With Tides of War, you and your personal soldiers of your <em>Battlefield V</em> <a href="">company</a> will embark on a journey through themed, different chapters of World War II, filled with events. With each chapter of Tides of War, players will have all-new ways to play while also being able to earn the latest and greatest themed <em>Battlefield V</em> vanity items. The open beta will be your first early look at how parts of the Tides of War will work.</p>
<p>A five-part Tides of War event will be part of the open beta. Players who complete this challenge before Sunday, September 9 will earn an exclusive in-game dog tag in <em>Battlefield V</em> at launch. Note that the Shock Troops event is just a small taste of Tides of War – much, much more is coming. Make sure to give us your feedback on how the flow of playing these challenges feels like.</p>
<p><strong>Enjoy the Open Beta</strong><br />Have fun in your battles on Narvik and Rotterdam. We hope you’ll enjoy the unexpected WWII moments that the open beta will feature. Also, remember that this is a chance for you to give feedback and help shape <em>Battlefield V.</em></p>
<p>Don’t forget to <a href="">pre-order <strong><em>Battlefield V </em></strong>on the Microsoft Store and join the open beta today, Tuesday, September 4 at 1 a.m. PDT</a>. And stay tuned to Xbox Wire for the latest news and information for all things Xbox.</p>

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