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News - Rainbow Six Siege's Grim Sky Update Is Live; Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Rainbow Six Siege's Grim Sky Update Is Live; Here Are The Full Patch Notes

<p><a href="">Rainbow Six Siege</a> Year 3, Season 3--called <a href="">Operation Grim Sky</a>--is live and adds a bunch of new updates into the first-person shooter game. The most notable addition is two new operators, <a href="">codenamed Clash and Maverick</a>, but Operation Grim Sky implements several multiplayer improvements as well.</p><p>Both Defenders and Attackers get a new operator in Operation Grim Sky, and each <a href="">shakes up Siege's meta</a> in different ways. Clash is the first Defender to come <a href="">equipped with a shield</a>, which fully extends in front of her and fires a taser. She's perfect for crowd control and holding off a team of Attackers while her teammates regroup and come up with a new strategy. Maverick uses a custom blowtorch to <a href="">breach through any surface</a>. He can't easily create a man-sized entry point, but Maverick can cut a hole large enough for his teammates to shoot through. Given that his torch is nearly silent, this allows Attackers to quietly get eyes on the opposing team through a reinforced wall.</p><p>New cosmetic changes have also being implemented into Rainbow Six Siege. Four new UK-themed weapon skins can only be unlocked during this season. Once unlocked, these skins carry over into later seasons. Canadian operator Frost also now has a new Elite set, which dresses her in her Huntress uniform, unlocks a new victory animation, and provides new skins for her Sterling MK2 LHT, Super 90, 9mm C1, and MK1 9mm.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3433889" data-ratio="0.45557029177719" data-width="1508" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1508px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1508w, 1280w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" data-width="1280"></a></figure><p>Operation Grim Sky adds a map rework for <a href="">Hereford Base</a>. The base is now much larger and includes more avenues for Attackers to get to the Defenders--ranging from new staircases to destructible hatches in the floor. Although certain aspects of Hereford Base remain the same, most of the floor plan has been completely reworked. Consulate is getting a few changes too. Attackers will now have an easier time getting into the building, as the police line has been extended to provide more cover on approach and a wall near the gas station spawn point--that Defenders often used to spawn kill their opponents--has been removed. A fourth site for the bomb placement in the Bomb game mode has also been added, so both Attackers and Defenders will need to come up with new strategies on the map.</p><p>The full list of <a href="">general tweaks and improvements</a> implemented via Operation Grim Sky can be found on Rainbow Six Siege's website. The update also fixed many of the bugs in the game, which we've outlined below.</p><p>Rainbow Six Siege is available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.</p><h3>Operation Grim Sky Bug Fixes</h3><h4>Gameplay</h4><ul><li>Fixed - Players who join in a game in progress during the action phase will negatively impact the key bindings for the observation tools of teammates.</li><li>Fixed - Players can sometimes pass through reinforced walls using a deployable shield.</li><li>Fixed - The framerate drops when going to the tactical map in prep phase.</li><li>Fixed - Receiving damage while crouching with a shield will result in the weapon wielding hand to clip through the shield.</li><li>Fixed - Operators clip through barricades. Enabling them to be seen and shot in some cases.</li><li>Fixed - It is possible to place a barricade or reinforcement while standing far away from the door/wall.</li><li>Fixed - Longer delay than intended when switching from BOSG 12.2 to secondary weapon.</li><li>Fixed - The color filter of an observation tool goes away if you are brought to low health while watching in it.</li><li>Fixed - If the walk option is set to toggle, the player will walk after alt-tabbing.</li><li>Fixed - It is possible to prone and melee simultaneously with a shield.</li><li>Fixed - Weapons can clip through the floor if a player goes prone and leans.</li><li>Fixed - Corrupted animations happen while switching weapons or throwing gadgets in prone.</li><li>Fixed - Players receive no damage if they rappel into Smoke’s Gas Grenade cloud.</li><li>Fixed - Kill info is not displayed if the player dies from the gadget of a dead enemy.</li><li>Fixed - Defuser animation resets when switching views.</li><li>Fixed - Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls allow bullets to pass through.</li></ul><h4>Operators</h4><p><strong>Bandit</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Players are able to use Shock Batteries on Castle's Armored Panels using a deployable shield.</li></ul><p><strong>Dokkaebi</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Ice textures cover the Logic Bomb interrupt screen when one is performed while a defender is looking at cameras.</li></ul><p><strong>Tachanka</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Tachanka's LMG shield is inconsistent and players can be shot through it.</li><li>Fixed - After rapidly switching between his gadgets and weapons, Tachanka will look broken on 3rd person when mounting his Mounted LMG.</li></ul><p><strong>Twitch</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Shock Drone is unable to pass over some props that have a climbable height.</li></ul><p><strong>Vigil</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - The reload animation of the BOSG 12.2 is incorrect.</li></ul><p><strong>Lesion</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - GU mines will get triggered if they are placed beneath a reinforced hatch.</li></ul><p><strong>Mira</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - A gap between two reinforcements can be created by Mira's Black Mirror</li></ul><p><strong>Montagne</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Shield extending animation resets when switching views.</li><li>Fixed - Players are able to vault over Montagne's shield.</li></ul><p><strong>Hibana</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - In some instances, reinforced wall debris will remain floating when the reinforced wall is being destroyed by Hibana's X-KAIROS Launcher.</li></ul><p><strong>Finka</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Right hand becomes offset on the weapon when Finka activates her Adrenal Surge.</li><li>Fixed - The fire rate for the Spear .308 is listed in menus as 780 RPM, but it is only 700.</li></ul><p><strong>Blitz</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Blitz's shield's hit boxes do not match the curves of his shield.</li></ul><p><strong>Blackbeard</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Head hit box clips through the Rifle Shield when standing against some surfaces.</li></ul><h4>Level Design</h4><p><strong>Border</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Clipping occurs for players hiding under a desk in 2F Offices and they can receive damage.</li><li>Fixed - Frost traps clip through the cable protectors located in 1F Server Room making them partially invisible.</li><li>Fixed - Operators can clip through the desk in 2F Archives, 1F Server Room, and 1F Ventilation Room.</li></ul><p><strong>Bartlett</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Frost's Welcome Mat clips through the table in 1F Dining Room and becoming invisible.</li></ul><p><strong>Hereford Base</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Dynamic Clipping is not present with some indestructible objects or walls.</li></ul><p><strong>Tower</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from 2F Elevator.</li></ul><p><strong>Consulate</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from B Cafeteria, giving drone view over multiple objective sites.</li><li>Fixed - Clipping issues in multiple spots.</li></ul><p><strong>Skyscrapper</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Multiple floating debris are present after destroying the wall between the 2F Work Office and the 2F Lounge locations.</li></ul><p><strong>Villa</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Fuze's cluster charges remain stuck and explode inside the ceiling if placed close to the middle of the 4th wooden tile.</li><li>Fixed - Defenders can hide on top of cabinet in B Old Office.</li></ul><p><strong>House</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Character model will become invisible if standing under the staircase in B Laundry Room.</li><li>Fixed - Shield operators can melee defenders through metal blinds.</li></ul><p><strong>Kanal</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - It is possible to hide inside the panel in Electric Room on Kanal.</li><li>Fixed - In some spots, Fuze's Cluster Charge backfire killing the player that placed it.</li></ul><p><strong>Yatch</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Attacker can place a drone into the ceiling at 2F Engine Utility.</li></ul><p><strong>Coastline</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - A wall from the 2F Hallway disappears when looking at it with a Valkyrie camera from the other side of the hallway.</li><li>Fixed - Players are able to reach the purple tarp in EXT Pool.</li></ul><p><strong>Clubhouse</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Drones can clip through 1F Kitchen Entrance rooftop.</li><li>Fixed - Attackers can throw a drone inside the wall of Clubhouse from EXT Eastern sub-roof.</li><li>Fixed - The Operator is clipping through the floor when prone on the toilet.</li><li>Fixed - Operator model can clip through stair fence from 2F Central Stairs 1F Central Stairs and B Central Stairs.</li></ul><p><strong>Theme Park</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Players can go outside through the wall during the preparation phase.</li></ul><p><strong>Chalet</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Players can shoot enemies through the stairs in 1F Great Room.</li></ul><p><strong>Kafe</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Valkyrie can place cameras inside the wall between 1F Cold room and 1F Kitchen.</li></ul><p><strong>Oregon</strong></p><ul><li>Fixed - Drone can fall out of the map from multiple locations.</li><li>Fixed - Clipping issues in multiple spots.</li><li>Fixed - There is space between the window frame and wall at EXT Junkyard and the player can see inside the building.</li></ul><h4>User Experience</h4><ul><li>Fixed - Infinite loading time when using the name sorting option in the charms menu.</li><li>Fixed - Pack collection Icon flags are present on Operator cards with non-elite uniforms.</li><li>Fixed - Gold Vigil Chibi charm position makes it clip through shields.</li><li>Fixed - The smoke effect is no longer colored from the second opened Alpha pack onwards.</li><li>Fixed - Some black collection icons are attached to random weapon skins.</li><li>Fixed - Graphic options are not applied when accepting the apply changes on popup.</li><li>Fixed - A slight delay can be seen when scrolling through uniforms.</li><li>Fixed - Players cannot hear voice chat from his teammates.</li><li>Fixed - Players is returned to main menu instead of next situation after completing the previous one.</li></ul>

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