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News - Destiny 2 Update

Destiny 2 Update

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="590" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted" /></div>
<h2>The Season of the Outlaw has begun.</h2>
<h2>Player Character</h2>
<li>Raised character level cap to 50 for Forsaken owners</li>
<li>Year 1 Sony exclusive Exotic and legendary rewards are now available for all platforms</li>
<p><b>Exotic Weapons</b></p>
<li>Increased inventory size</li>
<li>Whisper of the Worm</li>
<li>Replaced Armor Piercing Rounds with Accurized Rounds to prevent accidental perk failures for White Nail</li>
<li>Year 2 weapons now provide random perks when acquired</li>
<li>Year 2 Masterwork weapons have revamped system</li>
<li>Allows players to reach +10 bonus stats</li>
<li>Year 2 mods are now available</li>
<li>Can be acquired by dismantling Year 2 weapons</li>
<li>Can be purchased from the Gunsmith</li>
<li>Year 1 weapons no longer accept modifications</li>
<li>Increased the blast radius penalty for Concussion and Blinding Grenades from single shot grenade launchers</li>
<li>Hunters    </li>
<li>Golden Gun</li>
<li>Increased Golden Gun damage against base and elite enemies</li>
<li>Magnetic Grenades</li>
<li>Grenades should now detonate a second time even if the initial detonation kills the target</li>
<li>The Vanguard Strike Playlist is now available</li>
<li>Nightfall strike scoring has been re-enabled</li>
<li>Base-level strikes are available through destinations</li>
<li>Year 1 Sony exclusive strikes are now available to all platforms</li>
<p><b>Exodus Crash<br /></b></p>
<li>Analyzing the Fallen device in Prodromus Down</li>
<li>The objective progress rate increases based on number of Guardians standing near Ghost</li>
<li>Thaviks encounter</li>
<li>Decreased thaviks’s teleport frequency</li>
<li>Was three long teleports and six quick teleports</li>
<li>Now two long teleports and three quick teleports</li>
<li>Increased Thaviks’s quick-teleport speed increased</li>
<li>Reduced enemy waves to match teleport frequency</li>
<li>Added additional enemies per wave</li>
<li>Damage to Thaviks is preserved when Thaviks switches weapons</li>
<p><b>Daily Heroic Story Missions</b></div>
<li>Daily Heroic story missions now available</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that sometimes triggered the Quitter Penalty after completed Competitive Crucible matches</li>
<li>Starting in Season 4, Iron Banner will be updated to enable Power level advantages, beginning on September 18</li>
<li>Removed Mayhem temporarily from the weekly featured playlist until a future update</li>
<li>Trials of the Nine is now on hiatus</li>
<li>Trials of the Nine reputation tokens cannot be redeemed until the activity returns</li>
<li>Retribution and Wormhaven are now available on all platforms</li>
<li>Retribution has been reworked and enlarged to support 6v6 matches</li>
<li>Earning a place in the Top 3 in Rumble will now count as a win</li>
<li>The correct number of Valor Rank Points will be granted</li>
<li>Retuned Glory Rank Points gained and lost have to reduce the overall climb to higher ranks</li>
<li>Fixed the weekly award and doubled its gains</li>
<li>Fixed and returned weekly Glory decay</li>
<li>Players who competed in Season 3 will earn bonus rank points for completing their first match in Season 4</li>
<li>Removed loss streaks</li>
<li>Losses in the Competitive playlist no longer reset your Valor win streak</li>
<li>Game Modes</li>
<li>Control and Clash modes have been added to the Competitive playlist</li>
<li>Pinnacle Crucible rewards are now awarded via quests</li>
<li>These quests will not be removed at the end of the season</li>
<li>Redrix’s Claymore has been retired in Season 4 as a seasonal reward</li>
<li>Players who earned Redrix’s Claymore in Season 3 will receive additional bonuses</li>
<p><b>Private Matches</b></p>
<li>Added the option to adjust the respawn timers for Survival</li>
<li>Score-to-win options have been updated for several modes</li>
<li>Added 25 and 150, removed 10 and 20</li>
<li>150 is the new default</li>
<li>Added 25 and 150, removed 10 and 20</li>
<li>100 is the new default</li>
<li>Added 25 and 150, removed 10 and 20</li>
<li>150 is the new default</li>
<li>The Gambit playlist is unlocked </li>
<li>Requires Forsaken</li>
<li>Requires completion of mission “Spark”</li>
<li>Infamy ranks now available</li>
<li>The Season 4 vendor progression system has been updated with two separate progressions</li>
<li>Vanguard Rank</li>
<li>Like in previous seasons, Vanguard rank can be increased by turning in Vanguard tokens to Zavala</li>
<li>Increasing your Vanguard rank will provide Vanguard engrams, containing new Year 2 weapons and armor with random rolls </li>
<li>You can continue to acquire items found in Vanguard engrams beyond the season end boundary</li>
<li>Seasonal exclusive items that are purchased via Vanguard rank have been moved to their own row for clarity, and will only be attainable until the end of Season 4</li>
<li>Nightfall Rank</li>
<li>Increased by attaining score on various Nightfall strikes</li>
<li>Items are now available for purchase from Zavala by increasing in Nightfall Rank</li>
<li>Updated reputation reward packages for Season 4</li>
<li>Updated bounties for Season 4</li>
<li>Added pursuits to Shaxx’s inventory</li>
<li>Added new rewards for Valor ranks</li>
<li>No longer exchanges Year 1 mods; these can be safely dismantled </li>
<li>Now sells two mods (one armor, one weapon) a day.</li>
<li>Gunsmith packages now require 100 Gunsmith Materials</li>
<li>Updated repuation reward packages for Season 4</li>
<h2>Events &amp; Rituals</h2>
<li>Between levels 20 and 50 challenges provide a source of Legendary items and experience</li>
<li>When you reach level 50, an entirely new set of challenges activates and the leveling ones are no longer available</li>
<li>After you reach level 50, these are the main avenue into the powerful rewards that previously lived within milestones</li>
<li>Level 20 challenges with progression will be converted to a new challenges at level 50</li>
<li>Daily challenges now available</li>
<li>Specific challenges offered each day</li>
<li>Individual daily challenges reset on a four day cadence</li>
<li>Weekly challenges now available</li>
<li>Reset each Tuesday</li>
<h2>Items &amp; Economy</h2>
<li>Increased experience rewards for completing strikes and nightfall</li>
<li>Reduced experience rewards for completing normal and heroic public events</li>
<li>Iron Banner, Vanguard, and Crucible tokens earned in Season 3 may be redeemed with their respective vendors in Season 4</li>
<li>Players are no longer able to delete mods or shaders from an items details screen</li>
<li>Masterwork reward chances are being reduced in some activities</li>
<li>Pre-<i>Forsaken r</i>aids will still offer a higher chance for Masterwork acquisition, but that chance has been lowered from 50% to 10% to be in line with Masterwork drops in <i>Forsaken</i></li>
<li>Year 1 armor will always dismantle to one Masterwork Core</li>
<li>Year 1 weapons can dismantle to one or two cores, but no longer three</li>
<li>Activity rewards now respect your Power</li>
<li>If you complete an activity while severely under-leveled,  rewards will offer a larger Power upgrade</li>
<li>If you complete an activity while heavily over-leveled,  rewards will be a lower Power level</li>
<li><i>Forsaken </i>shaders do not drop in the wild; instead, they come from dismantling gear with that shader applied</li>
<li>Rare-quality shaders are often applied to drops, but have a low chance of being granted by dismantling</li>
<li>Legendary-quality shaders appear much less frequently on gear, but have a high chance of being granted by dismantling </li>
<li>It no longer costs anything to apply shaders to gear</li>
<li>Infusion for all pre-<i>Forsaken </i>and <i>Forsaken </i>gear is capped at 600 Power</li>
<li>Weapon infusion is now slot-based rather than archetype-based</li>
<li>Example: Any Kinetic weapon can be infused into any other Kinetic weapon, but you can no longer infuse an Energy Hand Cannon into a Kinetic Hand Cannon</li>
<li>Infusing duplicates of the same item is much less expensive than using two different items</li>
<p><b>Destination Materials</b></p>
<li>Reduced drop rates of destination materials from some destination activities</li>
<p><b>Collections</b> </p>
<li>Includes any weapon, armor piece, Ghost Shell, ship, Sparrow, emblem, or shader players have earned since <i>Warmind’s </i>release on May 8</li>
<li>Except for Year 2 legendary armor and weapons with random rolls, all items can be reacquired through Collections, for a fee</li>
<li>The cost to reacquire an item scales based on what the item dismantles into</li>
<p><b>Three of Coins</b></p>
<li>Three of Coins have been deprecated</li>
<li>Converted into “Faded Cards”</li>
<li>Can be safely discarded for Legendary Shards</li>
<p><b>Prismatic Matrix Schedule</b></p>
<li>The Prismatic Matrix is now scheduled out for the full season</li>
<li>The Prismatic Facet (free weekly account roll) is now obtained via a special Tier 1 Eververse bounty, rather than being tied to leveling, which can be acquired for 250 Glimmer and that does not require an Eververse Bounty Note</li>
<li>This permits players at all levels to obtain their free weekly roll</li>
<p><b>Eververse Bounties</b></p>
<li>Each Seasonal Bright Engram now grants one Bounty Note</li>
<li>These Bounty Notes can be exchanged for a variety of weekly Eververse Bounties, which come in three tiers:</li>
<li>Tier 1: Cost = 1 Eververse Bounty Note: Rewards 20 Bright Dust</li>
<li>Tier 2: Cost = 3 Eververse Bounty Note: Rewards 70 Bright Dust</li>
<li>Tier 3: Cost = 6 Eververse Bounty Note: Rewards 150 Bright Dust</li>
<li>Players can acquire as many Eververse bounties as they have Bounty Notes</li>
<li>Eververse bounties expire seven days after acquisition</li>
<p><b>Bright Dust Dismantle Yields<br /></b></p>
<li>Bright Dust, which you gained from dismantling types of Eververse items, is now a fixed amount</li>
<li>Example: Shaders will always yield 10 Bright Dust</li>
<p><b>Bright Engram Updates</b></p>
<li>Reward probabilities are now displayed on</li>
<li>Added new Legendary weapon ornaments to the Bright Engram</li>
<li>Added new Ghost Projection category to the Bright Engram</li>
<li>Weapon and armor mods are no longer available in Bright Engrams</li>
<p><b>Eververse Armor and Perks<br /></b></p>
<li>With the addition of random perk rolls on armor, we have made some changes to how perks are applied to Eververse armor</li>
<li>Eververse armor acquired from non-deterministic sources (i.e., the Bright Engram) will include random perks</li>
<li>Eververse armor acquired from deterministic sources (i.e., the Prismatic Matrix or Bright Dust storefront) will have fixed perks</li>
<p><b>Leveling Rewards in <i>Forsaken</i></b></p>
<li>Starting in <i>Forsaken</i>, you will no longer earn Bright Engrams each level until you reach the level cap</li>
<li>Players progressing through the campaigns will receive an Eververse gift at the end of each campaign once per class with a variety of items and some Bright Engrams included</li>
<li>This includes players who use a Character Boost</li>
<li>Once you reach the level cap, Bright Engrams will once again be awarded at the same rate as they are in the current game</li>
<li>Silver transaction history is now displayed on</li>
<li>Bundles that have not been opened can be refunded for seven days after purchase</li>
<li>Gleaming Boons of the Vanguard and Crucible have been updated to drop the current season’s items</li>
<li>To make room for bounties, Bright Dust offerings have been moved to the second page of Eververse</li>
<li>The Season 3 Clan Staff reward has been granted to all clans who hit max rank this season</li>
<li>Gambit now offers a clan engram when a fireteam from your clan wins a Gambit match</li>
<p><b>Season 4 Clan Progression<br /></b></p>
<li>Clan experience is now earned by completing clan bounties available from Hawthorne</li>
<li>When a player reaches level 50, three new clan bounties become available</li>
<h2>Guided Games</h2>
<li>Players have the option reconnect to Guided Game activities if they encounter a disconnection from an active Guided Game</li>
<li>Adjusted ambient audio in the Tower</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where having a certain number of unique items in the vault was causing items to not load</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where text would hitch on multiple screens when players are playing on a PlayStation Pro</li>

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