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Xbox Wire - New Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead 1810 Update – 8/18/18

New Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead 1810 Update – 8/18/18

<div><div class="media_block"><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></div>
<p>Starting at 2:00 p.m. PDT today, members of the Xbox One Preview Alpha – Skip Ahead and Preview Alpha rings will begin receiving the latest Xbox One system update (1810.180816-1920). Learn more about the new features in development for 1810 <a href=";preview=true">here</a>, and read on for a list of fixes and known issues in this 1810 system update.</p>
<h2><strong>Important Build Notes</strong></h2>
<h4><strong>Shopping Cart Update</strong></h4>
<p>Thanks so much for your feedback on the new Shopping Cart feature in the Store! We’ve heard your feedback and are now taking Shopping Cart offline to make fixes and improvements. Shopping Cart will return to the Store in the next few weeks.</p>
<h4><strong>File a Bug shortcut on the Console</strong></h4>
<p>Trying to file a bug and your controller is dead – plug in a keyboard and hit Windows Key + F to file a bug! This will work when your controller input isn’t working or when you cannot get to power center.</p>
<h4><strong>Broadcast Everything</strong></h4>
<p>With the latest update, Xbox users will be able to broadcast not just gameplay but the entire Xbox One console experience to Mixer. Users can turn on this setting in the broadcasting tab in Guide.</p>
<p><img class="lazyload alignnone size-full wp-image-99342" src="" alt="" width="517" height="389" /></p>
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-99342" src="" alt="" width="517" height="389" /></p>
<p>This setting is always disabled at the end of the broadcast and the user must explicitly enable it. This feature will prevent unnecessary pause screens on Mixer as the user transitions from one game to another.</p>
<p>The broadcast during this time will behave very much like a capture card with a few exceptions.</p>
<li>Non-game audio is not included in the broadcast.</li>
<li>HEVC applications like Netflix and YouTube will terminate the broadcast.</li>
<p>When this setting is enabled everything you see, your audience will see: your Home screen, the guide, your game, notifications, what you’re typing, and more.</p>
<p><strong>Be careful not to broadcast personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers!</strong></p>
<p>Double check your privacy settings</p>
<li>To keep your email from showing on Home, go to Settings and choose Account &gt; Sign-in, security &amp; passkey, and uncheck Show on Home.</li>
<li>To hide notifications, go to Preferences &gt; Notifications and uncheck Notification banners on.</li>
<li>Several reliability fixes to the Avatar subsystem.</li>
<li>Added the ability to select a club channel if you share to a club which has more than one feed channel.</li>
<h4><strong>Game Pass Twist</strong></h4>
<li>Improved personalization to the Game Pass Twist and added a new Deals button to the Twist to enable quick launching to the Store.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in which some users were seeing blank tiles after changing Filter settings.</li>
<h4><strong>My Games and Apps </strong></h4>
<li><strong>Just Dance 2018  – </strong>We have fixed the issue that the Alphanumeric Virtual Keyboard was not working in this title.</li>
<li>Fixed the issue in which the Text was cut off in the download progress of an app or game.</li>
<li>Fixes to the <strong>DirecTV NOW</strong> app to resolve recorded content freezing.</li>
<h4><strong>Settings – Network Statistics</strong></h4>
<li>We have fixed the issue in which Detailed Network Statistics was showing no data.</li>
<h4><strong>System Performance</strong></h4>
<li>This build has performance fixes that resolve the poor console performance with the dashboard/home stuttering when waking up from instant on.</li>
<li>Various localization fixes in this build.</li>
<h4><strong>Virtual Keyboard (VK)</strong></h4>
<li>We have fixed the Japanese VK to include the Missing “ー” button.</li>
<h4><strong> </strong><strong>3D Blu-ray</strong></h4>
<li>Fixes are in this build to fix 3D blu-rays to function correctly.</li>
<h2><strong>Known Issues:</strong></h2>
<li>We are aware that some Avatars are choosing to point several parts of their anatomy (feet &amp; hands) in different directions or growing a beard out of the eyes!.  Please file feedback when you see this.</li>
<li>It can take up to 10 seconds to view an Avatar on the profile screen the first time after your console has flashed.</li>
<li>We are aware that some users are experiencing issues with headsets with the mic not working.  Please ensure that your controller is running the latest Firmware (Settings – Kinect &amp; Devices – Devices &amp; Accessories). Please file feedback when you see this.</li>
<h4><strong>My Games and Apps</strong></h4>
<li><strong>EA Access  App – </strong>We are aware that the EA Access app will crash when navigating in the app and become unresponsive.</li>
<li><strong>Shudder App  – </strong>We are aware that the Shudder app may become unresponsive.</li>
<h4><strong>Microsoft Edge</strong></h4>
<li>Microsoft Edge crashes for some users at random times.</li>
<li>The cursor may disappear when exiting and re-entering the app.
<li><strong>Workaround:</strong> Press Y when re-entering the app to make the cursor re-appear</li>
<h4><strong>OneGuide </strong></h4>
<li>Sometimes users may encounter stuttering when launching straight into Oneguide after the console is turned on from Instant on. Please file feedback when you see this.</li>
<li>Here is a <strong>workaround</strong> to resolve temporarily:
<li>Navigate Home via the Guide</li>
<li>Quit OneGuide manually from the Home screen</li>
<li>Wait 15-30 secs</li>
<li>Launch any other streaming app (Netflix, HBOGO, YouTube)</li>
<li>One launched, play a video</li>
<li>Once video begins playing (it should play normally) exit the app and relaunch OneGuide</li>
<h4><strong>Profile Color</strong></h4>
<li>Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.</li>
<h4><strong>Virtual Keyboard </strong></h4>
<li>We are aware that some characters appear incorrectly when using the Virtual Keyboard in conjunction with a chatpad.  <strong>Workaround</strong> : Disconnect the chatpad.</li>

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