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News - Community Focus – Relikt

Community Focus – Relikt

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="5405" height="3405" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div>How many times have you found yourself in Crucible, saying “They’re… over there! On my X! By the Power Ammo! No, not that power ammo, the other one!” It can be difficult to communicate exactly where an opponent is, especially in the heat of battle. Our Community Focus this week, <b><a href="" title="" target="">Relikt</a></b>, knows this all too well, and has been building visual guides to assist players in learning callouts for some time now. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the story of this community cartographer.</div>
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<h3>Eyes up, Guardian. Tell us a bit about yourself.</h3>
<div><b>Relikt</b>: Hi there! My name is Henrik and in my day job, I’m a full-time graphic designer living in Germany and doing mostly stuff with lots of pixels and vectors. In the realm of online gaming, I’m known as Relikt but thanks to the cooperation with my amazing buds over at <a href="" title="" target="">Crucible Radio</a> most guardians might think of me simply as the official un-official Crucible Cartographer of Destiny 2. And as such, I’m proudly educating my fellow Crucible oriented guardians with callouts and maps since the beginning of the Destiny 2. </div>
<h3>What led you to joining up with the Community?</h3>
<p><b>Relikt</b>: I’m one of these rather old Halo veterans with a somewhat competitive background, so naturally I was interested in Bungie’s big new project from the get-go. At first, when the game was revealed I wasn’t too sure what kind of game Destiny was exactly going to become and whether or not it would be my cup of tea. But boy, I can tell you, the moment I first stepped foot into the Destiny Beta, experiencing that unique, bold new universe, the gorgeous Art and most importantly how outstanding the gunplay felt once again, I fell in Love with the game. But what ultimately made me stay wasn’t the rather addicting Crucible, the Trials of Osiris or the brilliant Raid experiences. It was the people I did all that with. I have a wonderful small Clan, the Taken Legends, that we founded back in 2015 and over the years some of those guys and gals in it grew to be good friends of mine. So to me, it really is all about the Friendgame.</p>
<h3>Glad to see you’re not too silent of a cartographer. What inspired your first callout map?</h3>
<div><b>Relikt</b>: If I’m completely honest, back in the day when I started my first ever callout map, my sole intention was to create a visually stunning map with a unique art style that was pretty to look at. And sure enough, when I originally posted the finished map of Shores of Time in the <a href="" title="" target="">Crucible Playbook</a> on Reddit, I got a ton of positive and in some cases actually flattering feedback for it. </div>
<img src=";av=1228259226" /></div>
<p>At that point, there already were dozens of excellent callout maps from other invaluable members of the community and I simply didn’t have the time and resources to catch up, so I decided to leave it at that for now. After all, for a long long time, Shores of Time remained the only map I ever did. Then when Destiny 2 was eventually announced, I told myself that this time, I was going to seize my chance and become the cartographer who supports the whole community with useful eye candy!</p>
<h3>What would you say is your favorite Crucible combat space in Destiny 2?</h3>
<p><b>Relikt</b>: That’s a tough one, but I’d say Endless Vale. It was the very first map I created for Destiny 2 and these Beta-Maps traditionally have a soft spot in my heart too. From a pure aesthetical standpoint, I really love how Solitude, Wormhaven, and Meltdown turned out. Oh, and on a little Side Note, I would LOVE to create a callout map for my all time favorite Destiny map ever too: Twilight Gap. So I wouldn’t be too mad if you decided to bring that one back too! Wink, wink. </p>
<img src=";av=1228259226" /></div>
<h3>Have any advice you’d give to players just getting started?</h3>
<p><b>Relikt</b>: Well, aside from improving the fundamentals like aiming and character movement in general, I feel like map knowledge and beyond that map-awareness are some major skills you need to build over time. A good way to work on that without getting too frustrated is to gather some of your more experienced friends and head into some private matches with them. At first, crucible can be somewhat overwhelming but don’t get disheartened when you lose against better players. Every loss can be an opportunity to learn something. If you see someone pulling off a play you’re not capable of yet, don’t get too frustrated! Instead, let it inspire you to practice – one day someone else will be impressed by something you do too. Good communication and callouts certainly don’t hurt either.</p>
<img src=";av=1228259226" /></div>
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<h3>What loadouts are you thinking of running when Forsaken launches?</h3>
<p><b>Relikt</b>: Oh man, don’t even get me started on this! With the new weapon slot system, the possibilities seem endless! Right now, I’m beyond excited to try out these bows you guys keep teasing me with. At first, I was kind of iffy on whether or not they would fit into the “space magic opera” that is Destiny. After seeing a couple of bows in action, I honestly can’t wait to get my hands on them. I think combining that exotic Wishender with a nice hand cannon or an SMG and maybe some Rockets sprinkled in could be very fun and equally effective!</p>
<img src=";av=1228259226" /></div>
<h3>Last call! Any final words of wisdom or shoutouts?</h3>
<p><b>Relikt</b>: Massive shout out to my Clan and my friends, Bones, Birds and Swainstache from Crucible Radio and the whole community in general for their continuous support. It’s my pleasure and I really hope, that the work I’m doing here helps some folks to improve their game and to get a better understanding of these great Crucible Maps and how to play them. On that note, I’m very excited to announce, that I’m going to cover all Gambit Maps (and of course all Crucible maps) too once Forsaken hits. So keep an eye open for that!</p>
<p>Oh and one last thing: “Over there” is NOT a callout! Seriously. <b>It isn’t.</b></p>
<p>Over there, by the things! Many thanks to Relikt for his time. It’s always awesome to see a skill evolve over time, and these maps will indeed help players to improve their Crucible play. If you have someone in mind, let us know by suggesting them on our </p>
<p>, using the #CommunityFocus tag.</p>

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