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News - Talking Point: What Were The Biggest Highs And Lows From E3 2018?

Talking Point: What Were The Biggest Highs And Lows From E3 2018?

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<p><em>E3 is finally over for another year, bringing to a close the biggest event yet. From surprise promotional crossovers on the Ubisoft conference to a certain game pretty much taking over Nintendo’s big summer Direct, there’s been plenty of topics to talk about now the dust is beginning to settle. So we’ve switched on the NL symbol, turned it towards the night’s sky and from the darkness, Team Nintendo Life has appeared to discuss our biggest takeaways. As always, we want to hear what you made of Nintendo’s presence at the big expo, so be sure to leave a comment below…</em></p>
<h2>Glen Fox, guides editor</h2>
<p>Honestly, I’m feeling a little deflated after Nintendo’s E3 showing because I was really hoping for at least one big new announcement for this year. It was pretty telling that most of the Direct focused on <a href=""><strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong></a>, because that’s all Nintendo’s really got for year two. That’s great for fans of Smash Bros., but I’ve never really had more than a passing interest in it.</p>
<p>So what did that leave? <a href=""><strong>Let’s Go Pokémon</strong></a>, which is pretty much designed to plug the gap between now and the core RPG next year. I think it will also serve as a nice stepping stone for all of the new fans that <a href=""><strong>Pokémon GO</strong></a> clawed in. There’s also <a href=""><strong>Super Mario Party</strong></a>, which I personally could not care less about.</p>
<p>But it was nice to see some footage of <strong><a href="">Fire Emblem: Three Houses</a></strong>, which looks like it could be the best entry in the franchise yet. Also, <a href=""><strong>Fortnite</strong></a> dropped, and that’s a MASSIVE boon for the Switch. Been hooked to it ever since. Ultimately, I feel like I was right to look to third-party developers for Switch joy as the year comes to a close. <strong>Starlink</strong> features <a href=""><strong>Star Fox</strong></a>, <strong>Fallout 76</strong> MIGHT come to Switch, and I’m still psyched for <a href=""><strong>FIFA 19</strong></a>.</p>
<h2>Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, editor</h2>
<p>E3 2018 was an odd one for Nintendo. Much like the other big platform holders, there were no earth-shattering announcements or brand new IP that made every stop, look and listen. The announcement of the Star Fox announcement for <a href=""><strong>Starlink: Battle for Atlas</strong></a> was a great move, mainly because it a) satisfies those of us that really want a new adventure of Fox McCloud and the crew and b) gives a title attempting to reignite the cooling embers of the toys-to-life genre a much-needed burst of heat.</p>
<p>But there’s no getting away from the fact the huge onus on <strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong> left very little room for other titles to shine. It’s Nintendo’s big winter release, but the sheer glut of details felt like a poor use of ‘prime time’ broadcasting space that could have been used to showcase the next big indie hit or a Switch-exclusive title deserving of more attention.</p>
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<h2>Ryan Craddock, staff writer</h2>
<p>For me, this year’s Nintendo highlights were all the big announcements. The <strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong> reveal – despite going into a bit too much detail for me – was always going to be the star of the show, and the complete roster, beautiful looking updates to the graphics and lighting, and the addition of Ridley are all fantastic.</p>
<p>I’m also excited about <strong>Fortnite</strong> – and really wish it hadn’t been leaked beforehand so that the intended shock factor would have been as intense as planned – and can’t wait to get stuck in this weekend. I’ve played it on PS4 before (so that means a new account for me – thanks Sony!) and I suck at it. Hopefully I’ll improve with practice!</p>
<p>Finally, <strong>Starlink: Battle for Atlas</strong> has really shocked me. Not just because of the <strong>Star Fox</strong> inclusion (which is awesome) but because the Treehouse: Live footage looked amazing. As long as the story content is well done, flying around those gorgeous worlds looks like it could be really good fun.</p>
<h2>Liam Doolan, Australia correspondent</h2>
<p>When the <a href=""><strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong></a> director Mashiro Sakurai appeared on my monitor during this week’s Nintendo Direct, I knew the big moment had finally arrived. The details about the new Smash title were ongoing from that point, with 25 minutes of comprehensive coverage. </p>
<p>One major highlight during this particular reveal was the news every character previously featured in the all-star series would be returning in the latest outing. When Young Link from <a href=""><strong>Super Smash Bros. Melee</strong></a> then popped up, for me, it felt like an old friend had returned. I used to main the fast and agile hero of time until he was essentially replaced with the different but similar character, Toon Link. With both of these fighters now back in the series, I’m not sure which one I’ll gravitate towards. Regardless of who I opt with, I’m glad Nintendo is giving its fans this option.</p>
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<h2>Alex Olney, video producer</h2>
<p>To be honest I think one of my favourite announcements was probably <strong>Fortnite</strong>. Now before any of you start dashing down to the comments to tell me what a sheep I am, it’s mainly because now I feel I can finally breathe a bit. So many denied all the evidence, so many claimed it would be bad for it to come to Switch for some reason unbeknownst to anyone, but now it’s finally here and there’s no going back. </p>
<p>Also it’s good fun with friends, and if people are having fun in a healthy way that doesn’t negatively impact anyone else, can that really ever be a bad thing? Best thing was Smash though, let’s not try and deny that. Oh, and <strong>Super Mario Party</strong>.</p>
<h2>Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent</h2>
<p>As with every Nintendo Direct, most of their E3 showing (well, the third party stuff) leaked ahead of time, but aside from the smash segment being really long and ’inside baseball’, I thought it was reasonable. It was great to see <a href=""><strong>Hollow Knight</strong></a> release during the event, and Fortnite was the worst kept secret since <a href=""><strong>Mario + Rabbids</strong></a>, so my highlights are definitely <a href=""><strong>Daemon X Machina</strong></a> and <strong>Super Mario Party</strong>. </p>
<p>Although I’d hardly call myself a mech or anime fan, DXM had a real dynamism and vivid art style, and it’s great to see a new IP from some veteran talent. I’ve never got into the Mario Party series, but I love me a mini-game or two with mates, and with the really interesting ways to use the system, SMP has the potential to be great.</p>
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<h2>Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer</h2>
<p>Nintendo’s E3 presentation did not just start with a bang – it began with several dozens of them accompanied by loud heavy metal music and unbelievable mecha carnage. After recognizing several names among the staff, I am fairly certain that <strong>Daemon X Machina</strong> is the mech action game of my dreams, one already hinted by <a href=""><strong>Xenoblade Chronicles X</strong></a> back in 2015. A very special birthday ahead for yours truly when n the 16th of October <strong>Starlink: Battle for Atlas</strong> lands with exclusive <strong>Star Fox</strong> ship, pilot and mission content. The perfect crossover and a continuation of Nintendo and Ubisoft’s discrete relationship of mutual respect.</p>
<p>There was nothing even slightly <a href=""><strong>F-Zero</strong></a> related, I still don’t know who is making <a href=""><strong>Metroid Prime 4</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Bayonetta 3</strong></a> remains illusive as ever but the sadness of those omissions is tiny when stacked up to the amount of joy from the amazing new games (and new content for old ones) heading our way in the next six months. The Switch is quickly becoming the most important games console I ever owned in my life and I look to the future with a big childish smile slapped across my face. Mission accomplished, Mr. Iwata. I thank you “Directly!” for so, so much.</p>
<h2>Richard Atkinson, contributing writer</h2>
<p>The unruly and unpredictable E3 storm has passed which means it’s time to shrug off the inevitable disappointment from getting WAY too hyped, focus on the slices of goodness that we got from Nintendo this year and turn our attention to what brought a smile to our faces. For me, the instant release of the <a href=""><strong>Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion</strong></a> was one of the most welcome surprises – the thought of having to wait even longer was too much to bear and my prayers were answered. </p>
<p>But there was one title that got me even more excited than a Nintendo fan learning of ‘normal’ voice chat without the use of a silly app and that was <strong>Super Mario Party</strong>. The patent that Nintendo filed a few months back finally saw its commercial light and, boy, did it look great. The idea of tapping two Switch screens together to make a bigger playing field on a table in a pub, friend’s house or train coach excites me and I can’t wait to see what the title has to offer. Time for many friendships to be ruined all over again.</p>
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<h2>Alan Lopez, contributing writer</h2>
<p>You’ll hear what I think about <strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong>, but now is nowhere near its release date of 7th December. Heck, it’s not even June 22nd, henceforward ‘Mario Aces Day’. So instead of sitting on my hands, I joined with 100 million people before me and downloaded <a href=""><strong>Fallout Shelter</strong></a>, the free-to-play sensation that’s one more toe from hit-maker Bethesda’s toe-in-the-water approach on Nintendo platforms. </p>
<p>And admittedly, somewhat surprisingly, I didn’t know much about it beyond screenshots. After deciding this would be my first post-E3 experience, I booted it up, learned the ropes, and started colonising my little ant farm of people. Like an upside down Sim Tower, I nurtured my little citizens into good health and great fortune. Hours went by. I basked in the dull hum of fallout.</p>
<p>Sure, maybe it’s two years late, but E3 has a way of making everything exciting. My face was close to my Switch screen all weekend playing games and checking the e-shop, like a child pressed against a cooking microwave. I’m thinking, “Am I gonna get radiation from this?” But I just want a front row seat to all the changes…</p>
<h2>Dave Frear, retro reviewer</h2>
<p>Many games from 2018’s E3 caught my interest, but one unexpected surprise was <strong>Starlink: Battle for Atlas</strong>. I was unimpressed when it was shown off last time, but as the segment unfolded at this years Ubisoft conference I began to warm to it – and then we were hit with a burst of Cornerian radio chatter and learned Fox McCloud would be popping up in the Switch version. That raised my interest levels further and whilst it could turn out to be rubbish, it looks quite fun from what we’ve seen so far. </p>
<p>Less likely to be rubbish is <strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong>. He kept us waiting, but Snake has made his return as have all previous fighters, plus playing as Ridley is going to be a thing. Awesome. Nintendo may have dedicated too much time to it in their presentation, but I can see it being hard to put down come December.</p>
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<h2>Morgan Sleeper, E3 2018 reporter</h2>
<p>Thinking back on my time on the show floor over this year’s E3, one thing stands out: <a href="">getting to go hands-on with the Poké Ball Plus</a>. I also had a great time playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but it will be a long time before anything else in gaming knocks me out as much as catching and then hearing Pokémon in the palm of my hand.</p>
<p>Still as much as I enjoyed Nintendo’s line-up, the real highlight was getting to check out so many exciting third-party games. I loved banging on the Joy Con and belting out beats in the full-bodied, freeform musical adventure of Gal Metal; I loved exploring the charming world of Little Dragons Café, foraging for ingredients and cooking up meals; I loved the stunningly stylish rhythm action of Musynx; I loved beating the stuffing (and cupcakes, and glitter) out of opponents in the pastel party fighter SNK Heroines; and I loved the Etrian Odyssey-meets-Disgaea dungeon crawling of Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk. </p>
<p>These were all especially exciting for me because they prove that even among the first-party frontrunners, high-profile ports, and indie hits, the Switch has plenty of room left for what quickly became my favourite section of the 3DS’ library: colourful, quirky imports. Long may that continue!</p>
<div id="poll-15jun-18-tpe32018" class="poll">
<div class="results">
<h3 class="heading">How did Nintendo fare at E3 2018? (217 votes)</h3>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">A huge success!</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="20 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">9%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">An epic fail</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="59 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">27%</span></span></p>
<div class="result">
<h4 class="heading">Somewhere in between</h4>
<p class="votes"><span title="138 votes"><span class="bar accent-bg">64%</span></span></p>
<p class="empty">Please <a href="">login</a> to vote in this poll.</p>
<p><em>So those are our thoughts, but what did YOU think of E3 2018? Drop a vote in our poll, and a comment below and let’s get the conversation going…</em></p>

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