05-23-2018, 11:12 PM
Treasure Hunt Simulator is Now Available for Roblox on Xbox One
<div><div class="media_block"><img src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/KeyArt-Scene-Treasure-Hunt-Promo-Xbox@1920x1080.jpg" class="media_thumbnail"></div>
<p>There’s something strangely alluring about being here under the shade of these wind-swept palm trees, laying on a mountain of sand warmed by a day’s worth of sun. Is it the soothing ocean breeze? The calming waves? Or maybe it’s the massive pile of treasure chests waiting to be found beneath your feet. Believe me, once you play <a href="https://www.roblox.com/games/1345139196/Treasure-Hunt-Simulator">Treasure Hunt Simulator</a> you’ll know what I mean. Today we’re excited to announce that <a href="https://www.roblox.com/users/1796872/profile">HenryDev’s</a> breakout hit is now available for <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/ROBLOX/BQ1TN1T79V9K"><em>Roblox</em></a> on Xbox One!</p>
<p>Dedicated players will have a lot to look forward to as they relentlessly dig their way through the sand in search of valuable loot. As you forge a path, you’ll earn cash by collecting and selling the sand you dig up and finding treasure chests scattered underground. The deeper you go, the better treasures you’ll find and the better equipment you’ll be able to purchase! You may only start the game with a mere bucket, but after a few hours, you’ll soon find yourself armed with a metal detector or bigger shovels. There are even upgrades like dynamite and C4 for the more aggressive explorers out there.</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91131" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire3_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="358"/></p>
<p>HenryDev tells us he got inspired to start developing on <em>Roblox</em> back in 2008 after he realized he could build and code his own games on the platform. He came up with the idea for Treasure Hunt Simulator after he saw the recent explosion of simulator games on <em>Roblox</em> and thought he could fill a niche that the genre was missing. Amazingly, he was able to create the game all by himself in just one month by leveraging components from the hundred or so other experiences he made previously.</p>
<p>“I had always wanted to create my own games, but I never knew how to start,” he said. “<em>Roblox</em> offered an easy-to-use tool where I could express myself in the form of a game. My first few creations were pretty rough and it took a while before I had any success, however, my creativity and competitiveness are what kept me hooked on <em>Roblox</em>.”</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91130" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire2_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="346"/></p>
<p>Since its debut on January 20, 2018, the game rocketed to the front page and has already been played hundreds of millions of times across desktops and mobile. For its Xbox One release, HenryDev added some unique enhancements including a simple controls menu, controller support, and icons for tools.</p>
<p>“The most rewarding part about <em>Roblox</em> is definitely having fans that play your game and tell you that they enjoy what you created,” he said. “Being a very competitive person, seeing so many people enjoy my game is really cool and one of my favorite features of this platform.”</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91129" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire1_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="350"/></p>
<p>When asked if he had anything to say to fans of Treasure Hunt Simulator or to the Xbox community on <em>Roblox</em>, he said, “I would love to thank my fans for all of the support on my game, as well as on Twitter! You guys are amazing! Members of the Xbox community who have never played the game, I suggest you give it a try. Be sure to watch for new updates coming soon to Treasure Hunt Simulator!”</p>
<p>You can follow HenryDev on Twitter @HenryTheDev. Want to learn more about Treasure Hunt Simulator? Check out our recent blog post <a href="https://blog.roblox.com/2018/05/digging-treasure-hunt-simulator/">here</a>. Dig into an all-new <em>Roblox</em> adventure and play Treasure Hunt Simulator on Xbox One now!</p>
<div><div class="media_block"><img src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/KeyArt-Scene-Treasure-Hunt-Promo-Xbox@1920x1080.jpg" class="media_thumbnail"></div>
<p>There’s something strangely alluring about being here under the shade of these wind-swept palm trees, laying on a mountain of sand warmed by a day’s worth of sun. Is it the soothing ocean breeze? The calming waves? Or maybe it’s the massive pile of treasure chests waiting to be found beneath your feet. Believe me, once you play <a href="https://www.roblox.com/games/1345139196/Treasure-Hunt-Simulator">Treasure Hunt Simulator</a> you’ll know what I mean. Today we’re excited to announce that <a href="https://www.roblox.com/users/1796872/profile">HenryDev’s</a> breakout hit is now available for <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/ROBLOX/BQ1TN1T79V9K"><em>Roblox</em></a> on Xbox One!</p>
<p>Dedicated players will have a lot to look forward to as they relentlessly dig their way through the sand in search of valuable loot. As you forge a path, you’ll earn cash by collecting and selling the sand you dig up and finding treasure chests scattered underground. The deeper you go, the better treasures you’ll find and the better equipment you’ll be able to purchase! You may only start the game with a mere bucket, but after a few hours, you’ll soon find yourself armed with a metal detector or bigger shovels. There are even upgrades like dynamite and C4 for the more aggressive explorers out there.</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91131" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire3_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="358"/></p>
<p>HenryDev tells us he got inspired to start developing on <em>Roblox</em> back in 2008 after he realized he could build and code his own games on the platform. He came up with the idea for Treasure Hunt Simulator after he saw the recent explosion of simulator games on <em>Roblox</em> and thought he could fill a niche that the genre was missing. Amazingly, he was able to create the game all by himself in just one month by leveraging components from the hundred or so other experiences he made previously.</p>
<p>“I had always wanted to create my own games, but I never knew how to start,” he said. “<em>Roblox</em> offered an easy-to-use tool where I could express myself in the form of a game. My first few creations were pretty rough and it took a while before I had any success, however, my creativity and competitiveness are what kept me hooked on <em>Roblox</em>.”</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91130" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire2_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="346"/></p>
<p>Since its debut on January 20, 2018, the game rocketed to the front page and has already been played hundreds of millions of times across desktops and mobile. For its Xbox One release, HenryDev added some unique enhancements including a simple controls menu, controller support, and icons for tools.</p>
<p>“The most rewarding part about <em>Roblox</em> is definitely having fans that play your game and tell you that they enjoy what you created,” he said. “Being a very competitive person, seeing so many people enjoy my game is really cool and one of my favorite features of this platform.”</p>
<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-91129" src="https://news.xbox.com/en-us/wp-content/uploads/Roblox_Treasure_XboxWire1_051418.png" alt="Roblox Treasure Hunt Screenshot" width="620" height="350"/></p>
<p>When asked if he had anything to say to fans of Treasure Hunt Simulator or to the Xbox community on <em>Roblox</em>, he said, “I would love to thank my fans for all of the support on my game, as well as on Twitter! You guys are amazing! Members of the Xbox community who have never played the game, I suggest you give it a try. Be sure to watch for new updates coming soon to Treasure Hunt Simulator!”</p>
<p>You can follow HenryDev on Twitter @HenryTheDev. Want to learn more about Treasure Hunt Simulator? Check out our recent blog post <a href="https://blog.roblox.com/2018/05/digging-treasure-hunt-simulator/">here</a>. Dig into an all-new <em>Roblox</em> adventure and play Treasure Hunt Simulator on Xbox One now!</p>