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News - This Week at Bungie – 4/12/2018

This Week at Bungie – 4/12/2018

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we mapped more of the road ahead.</p>
<div>We have a new version of the <em>Destiny 2</em> Development Roadmap. Take a look at what’s coming in Season 3 through the summer, all way up to the beginning of Season 4. You can read more developer commentary in the full <a href="" title="" target="">Roadmap post</a>.</div>
<div><img src=";av=1151964485" /></div>
<p>We hope this gives you a good idea of what we have on our plate for the months ahead. These delivery times are goals. Some of these features could move around as we get closer to releases.</p>
<div><img src=";av=1151964485" /></div>
<p>Our next expansion, <em>Warmind</em>, arrives on May 8. We know you have a lot of questions about it. Your answers will arrive in our next reveal stream on April 24. Developers from Bungie will be on the hot seats along with some representatives from our new partners at Vicarious Visions to talk about this new adventure that we created together. </p>
<p>In the meantime, if you want to decorate your desktop.</p>
<h2><strong>U</strong>ltimate Power</h2>
<p>One thing we’re changing up at the beginning of Season 3 is how your Power level will affect the enemies you face. As you tackle a new campaign and start taking on activities above your current Power level, you may find that the villains you face put up more of a fight. Here is <strong>Combatants Design Lead Tomonori Kinoshita</strong> to give you some details on the changes we’re making. </p>
<p><strong>Tomo</strong>: Hey, folks!</p>
<p>I’d like to let you know of an upcoming PvE difficulty tuning pass that should be hitting your consoles and PCs along with the beginning of Season 3.</p>
<p>The main goals from this tuning pass are to provide a more challenging experience for players when they take on higher-leveled activities. This should make Power progression and acquisition more meaningful, reinforce and reward the energy type matching gameplay, and provide opportunities for our master PvE-ers to demonstrate their prowess at the highest levels. </p>
<p>So, how are we going to tackle this?</p>
<li>Change our outgoing player damage scaling vs. higher-leveled combatants to be steeper (make them more difficult), similar to <em>Destiny</em>. As a result, higher-leveled combatants will take longer to kill than they currently do—but if you’re at or above their level, you can still melt them (like you’ve come to love) with <a href="" title="" target="">Update 1.1.4</a>.</li>
<li>Extend our outgoing and incoming damage scaling from capping at a 40 power level delta to a 50 power level delta. Currently, in <em>Destiny 2</em>, our scaling only affects the difficulty of combatants up to 40 Power levels  above the player before plateauing. Increasing this to 50 Power levels adds a little more room for players to show off how badass they really are.</li>
<li>When combatants are 50 Power levels or higher above the player, they will be immune and display a “??” icon on their nameplate. OG Guardians probably remember the first time they stumbled across the Hive in the depths of Cosmodrome. We wanted to bring back that feeling of mystery and provide challenges for the player to come back to later in their journey.</li>
<li>Change combatant energy shields to fulfill the following: Matching energy element damage to shields is most effective (roughly 3x damage plus the current shield detonation), followed by non-matching energy (roughly 2x damage), and Kinetic damage won’t have any bonus damage multiplier. To further incentivize the matching game, the 3x multiplier for matching damage types is not affected by the damage scaling of higher-leveled combatants until the combatants display the “??” nameplates.</li>
<li>The previous change also allows us to bring back Match Game as an additional Prestige Nightfall modifier for extra points and bragging rights. When this modifier is enabled, all non-matching damage to energy shields is reduced to 10%, so make sure your fireteam is coordinating appropriately. The current plan is for Match Game to launch along with the rest of these difficulty changes.</li>
<li>We look forward to watching the community show off their PvE skills after these new settings go live. Show us what you’re made of, Guardians.</li>
<hr />
<h2>Back in Plaid</h2>
<p>We’ve seen the <em>Destiny</em> community do some pretty amazing things to have a positive impact on the real world. Guardians never shy away from lending a helping hand. We’re rallying the banners again for a couple of great causes. Over the next month, Bungie will go head-to-head against other local businesses to raise money for two great organizations.</p>
<p>To prove that men don’t have exclusive rights to kilts, <strong>Bungie Foundation Manager Christine Edwards</strong> has your call to action.</p>
<div><strong>Christine</strong>: Bungie is celebrating its 7th anniversary of supporting families at the <a href="" title="" target="">Seattle Ronald McDonald House</a> through their annual Men in Kilts fundraiser! As you all know, 7 is a big deal for us, so we’re planning on going all out this year with a giant goal of raising $77,000. Help us achieve our goal and cast your vote for Team Bungie by donating $10 or more. Every $30 donated will pay for a family to stay at the House for one night. Head to the <a href="" title="" target="">RMHC Donation Page</a> to cast your votes by Friday, April 27!</div>
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<p>Need a sweeter incentive? Check out these backer rewards for donating to Men in Kilts!</p>
<li>$50—Exclusive high-resolution digital Destiny 2 teaser concept art.</li>
<li>Art will be prepped at a 3:2 aspect ratio at a high resolution for easy printing and framing.</li>
<li>Art will be delivered via email attachment to donors in early–mid June.</li>
<li>$100—The prize above, plus a postcard shipped to you signed by our MiK team.</li>
<li>$250—All prizes above, plus a digital print of exclusive art made by Mark Flieg.</li>
<li>$500—All prizes above, plus a physical print shipped to you of Mark’s exclusive art.</li>
<li>$1000—All prizes above, plus participation in a Bungie studio visit with you and a guest, dates scheduled quarterly in 2018/2019 and announced separately to donors after the event concludes.</li>
<li>Note: All travel and hotel accommodations are the sole responsibility of the donor.</li>
<li>$2000—All prizes above, plus your own piece of custom concept art, featuring you, created by Mark Flieg </li>
<div>This year marks our 5th anniversary of the Gauntlet Tabletop Fundraiser. On Sunday, May 20, Team Bungie will compete in a tournament against 20 other local gaming studios and tabletop aficionados to raise funds for <a href="" title="" target="">Wellspring Family Services</a>. They’re a local organization that has been working to build emotionally healthy, self-sufficient families and a nonviolent community for over 120 years. Your donations help them reach that goal and embolden our team with Power-Ups that will help us win the tournament. Head to our team’s <a href="" title="" target="">Donation Page</a> to commit your support on or before May 20! </div>
<div><img src=";av=1151964485" /></div>
<p>Debating between donating to Men in Kilts or the Gauntlet? Once you see these backer rewards, you’ll want to donate to both!</p>
<li>$10—Vote on a local charity where the Gauntlet Tabletop team can volunteer. </li>
<li>$50—Receive an unannounced new exclusive emblem at the beginning of Season 4.</li>
<li>Exact distribution date to be announced to all donors via email in the future.</li>
<li>$100—The prize above, plus a “programmer art” caricature of you—we can’t guarantee it’ll be good, but it will be funny!</li>
<li>An email containing a deadline for photo submissions will be sent to donors at the end of the event. No photos will be accepted after the deadline has passed.</li>
<li>$500—All prizes above, plus a 1 ½-hour Destiny gameplay session with one of our developers. </li>
<li>$1000—All prizes above, plus participation in an exclusive virtual Pentathlon Puzzle Hunt.</li>
<li>Every year during the Bungie Pentathlon, teams at Bungie compete to solve a series of puzzles the fastest to win honor and glory. This year we are putting together an exclusive virtual puzzle-hunt for donors.</li>
<li>You and up to 12 of your friends will be invited to participate against other donors who’ve contributed over $1000. Date and time subject to Bungie and donor availability.</li>
<li>Whatever clan donates the most will be featured on</li>
<li>A survey will be sent to all donors at the end of the event requesting clan names. The winning clan will be contacted regarding their feature upon final determination.</li>
<li>If we reach $77k as a team, we will create a video of employees performing an emote of your choice.</li>
<li>An email will be sent to all donors at the end of the event with a survey of emotes.</li>
<p>This is your chance to be a hero in real life—and maybe even score some sweet loot.</p>
<h2>Rain Delay</h2>
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<div>Last week, we discovered a <a href=";sort=0&amp;showBanned=0&amp;path=1" title="" target="">late-breaking bug</a> that was going to cause issues with the upcoming 6v6 Iron Banner. We decided to postpone the event and replace it with Rumble. We have resolved the issue with 6v6 Iron Banner, and it will be going live at <strong>10 AM  PDT on April 17</strong>. The details posted in <a href="" title="" target="">last week’s TWAB</a> are still true for the upcoming Iron Banner. Sorry for the last-minute schedule changes. We look forward to watching players participate in 6v6 action for the first time in Destiny 2. We will be on hand to gather your feedback. Make Lord Saladin proud. </div>
<h2>Scan and Repair</h2>
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<p>Whatever the issue, the Destiny Player Support team is always there to make sure you have the information you need. </p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><strong>Tower Vendor Issues</strong></p>
<p>This week, Destiny 2 Hotfix addressed issues where players were unable to spawn into the Tower. Since release, we have been closely monitoring the #Help forum for reports of issues and have found that vendors sometimes take up to 30 seconds to spawn. We have forwarded these reports to the appropriate party for investigation.</p>
<p>If you load into a Tower that does not have vendors present, please post a report to the #Help forum noting how long it took for the vendors to appear.</p>
<p><strong>Destiny 2 PC Crash Troubleshooting</strong></p>
<div>In Destiny 2 on PC, players who encounter issues with installed game files should try running the Scan and Repair tool in the app. In some cases, players may repeatedly receive an error directing them to use the Scan and Repair tool, but the tool reports “no problems found.” For more information, players should see: <a href="" title="" target="">Scan and Repair in the App</a>.</div>
<p>Additionally, we recommend that players delete their existing CVARS.xml file if they are experiencing issues. This file can be found in: <strong>\Users\USER_NAME\Appdata\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs\</strong></p>
<div>PLEASE NOTE: When relaunched, Destiny 2 will generate a fresh CVARS.xml file. This will revert all custom player settings in Destiny 2 to their defaults. For more information, please see our <a href="" title="" target="">CVARS knowledge base article</a>.</div>
<h2>We’ll Always Have Paris</h2>
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<div>It’s time for the movies. Grab your popcorn and candy of choice, and please take a seat. Before we get to the main attraction, I’m going to give a quick explanation of how this works. Players send in their submissions via the <a href="" title="" target="">creations page</a>. We pick our favorites. Anyone showcased here gets an emblem. Just please make sure you include your player name in the description of the video so we know who to give them to.</div>
<p>All right, on to the winners.</p>
<p><strong>Movie of the Week</strong>: Destiny 2 Sound Swap</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p><strong>Honorable Mention</strong>: Darkness</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<div>Here are last week’s top scores for the Nightfall. This one was close, with only a 28<a href="" title="" target="">1</a> point difference between first and second place.</div>
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<p>Our next update is only a month away. We’ll have more info to share with you before then. Keep an eye on this blog as well as our upcoming stream on April 24. </p>
<p>See you in Iron Banner next week.</p>
<p><strong>&lt;3 Cozmo</strong></p>

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