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Field Promotion

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<div>Back in November, your friendly neighborhood community manager Cozmo stepped away from the studio to bring some new life into our shared world. When we realized that we needed someone to fill his chair temporarily, naming dmg04 as <a href="" title="" target="">Acting Community Manager</a> was an easy decision. Since the first year of Destiny, he has been one click away from the community team as an anonymous voice on the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help</a> forum. In every weekly blog address since Oryx entered our solar system, he’s been the silent partner who has written the ‘What’s Up, DOC?’ report on behalf of the Player Support team.</div>
<p>If you follow the conversation about Bungie closely, you might have heard the one about the new Community Manager we were looking to hire. Whenever Bungie seeks a player to lead the community they call home, it sparks obvious curiosity. Conspiracy theories immediately pointed to my imminent departure, but the rumors of my pending death have been greatly exaggerated. This was a bid for reinforcement, not replacement.</p>
<p>After an extensive search and many conversations, we realized that what we were looking for was right under our noses the whole time – and he was already kicking ass. It is my pleasure to introduce <strong>Dylan Gafner</strong> as the newest addition to the community team. This may be confusing, since he has been doing the job for months. Today, we’re making it official. This is no longer a temporary title. He’s partners with Cozmo, now.</p>
<p>The idea of a “Community Manager” means many things to many people. They can be equal parts court jester, combat correspondent, best friend, first responder, security guard, detective, nation builder, case worker, and air traffic controller. Each person who accepts the mission weaves those strands together to create their own unique specialty. In Dylan, we see a problem solver who tackles player reports and works with his peers to drive toward solutions. He’s been a tireless translator on the border between players and developers.</p>
<p>Here are some words from the man himself about what this new gig means to him.</p>
<p><strong>Dylan</strong>: Hey, all. This isn’t the first time I’ve introduced myself, but I’d like to say hello again.</p>
<p>Since joining in 2004, this has been a career that I’ve dreamed about. It’s fun to think that my path here began with a simple desire to earn a cool emblem in a Bungie game by creating an account on the website. From there, I joined my first Clan (The WorkPLace) and attended my first of many PAX events in 2011. Eventually, I threw all of my stuff into a ’97 Ford Explorer to drive from San Diego to Seattle to start a job on the Destiny Player Support team in 2015. Since then, I’ve kept my nose to the grindstone in communicating known issues, preparing support documentation for Destiny releases, and volunteering my thumbs for various Twitch reveals.</p>
<div>I’m extremely grateful that this new opportunity as Community Manager is a chance for me to give back to a community that I’ve known through fourteen years of gameplay, friendship, laughter, and ridiculous fun. We’ve recently promised an increase in communication surrounding Destiny 2, our future plans, and even issues that we’re tracking. My goal in joining the community team is to give a pulse to the status of development, investigations in process, or setting expectations for upcoming features. We have a <a href="" title="" target="">roadmap</a> to follow, and I’m excited to keep you informed along the way.</div>
<div>With that said, let’s get down to business. You can find me responding to threads on the <a href="" title="" target=""> forums</a>, jumping into conversations as <a href="" title="" target="">@a_dmg04</a> on Twitter, and providing content for the Bungie Blog. I will continue to work with the Destiny Player Support team in communicating about known issues or upcoming maintenance windows, which can be found on <a href="" title="" target=""></a>, and <a href="" title="" target="">@BungieHelp</a> on Twitter.</p>
<p>Thanks for playing, and thank you for your passion. It’s truly an inspiration each day.</p>

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