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News - This Week At Bungie – 01/18/2018

This Week At Bungie – 01/18/2018

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1164" height="225" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, the factions have returned. </p>
<div>There has been a lot of feedback on some of the changes made to Faction Rallies in Season 2. I’d like to take a moment to list some of the larger topics. There is an <a href="" title="" target="">ongoing process at Bungie</a> to assess how we want to change Destiny 2 in the weeks to come, and your voice is a crucial part of it.</div>
<div>There was an issue in the previous Faction Rallies where players were earning hundreds of Faction Tokens per hour without firing a single shot. In the recent <a href="" title="" target="">December 12 update</a>, Faction Token rewards were added to an existing system that was locking players out from Lost Sector Rewards. We have heard player feedback that this solution was too disruptive. We’re looking at a change that won’t make players feel forced to run to and from a single chest for hours while also not placing a hard stop on enjoying Lost Sectors. We want to ensure that every time you open a chest there is loot inside. We’ll share more details on this before the next Faction Rallies.</div>
<div>The other question that players immediately asked when decrypting their Faction Engrams was: “Where are the new Season 2 weapons?” It was not made clear beforehand that the new Season 2 weapons would be added throughout the events of the Season rather than all at once in the beginning. This was on us. No excuses. You can read the full details with how the weapons will be rolled out <a href=";page=0" title="" target="">here</a>. We will be remedying this lapse in communication next week with details on what you should expect when the next Iron Banner rolls out in Season 2.</div>
<p>Faction Rallies closes out next week. Whichever faction you deem most worthy will be selling their weapon in the Tower as the first offering of Season 2. </p>
<p>A lot of the feedback we have been receiving is centered on weapons and abilities. The feel of Destiny 2 and what makes a Guardian a Guardian. We’re taking the feedback to heart and <strong>Sandbox Design Lead</strong> <strong>Josh Hamrick</strong> has some thoughts of what the Sandbox team has planned. </p>
<p><strong>Josh Hamrick</strong>: Hi everybody!  Sandbox here…</p>
<p>We just wanted to drop in for a moment to verify that we’re already hard at work and making progress on various improvements <strong>Christopher Barrett</strong> outlined last week. </p>
<p>Additionally, I wanted to give you all better insight as to how the next several months are shaping up.</p>
<p>As with any plans, the first items on the list are the clearest and well defined.  For most of these, we are already hard at work and making good progress on them. The Exotic pass is moving forward nicely with <strong>Jon Weisnewski</strong> at the helm. The team has also been talking about things we want to see in the next balance pass, coming to you in Season 3, for the last several weeks. Also, <strong>Grant MacKay</strong> has put together a really exciting plan for Mods 2.0 that will open their requirements up significantly allowing them to be more potent in ways that you’ll end up feeling directly in your ability uptime and therefore total power output. The rest of the crew you ask?  Oh, they’re just hard at work on super exciting new content to put smiles on all your faces before the year is out… And that’s just the beginning. </p>
<p>Items further down the list need more planning or more time to actually implement…  Most need both.  On top of that, some need groundwork that we will be laying with earlier changes.  In all these cases though, the team is already discussing and planning for them in one way or another.  As usual, we are excited to work on building something that you’ll love and that feels great to play…  Because Sandbox loves you.</p>
<p>2018 is shaping up to be a huge year for all of us and there is plenty of Sandbox improvements and changes coming your way.  As we move closer to realizing all of the new efforts being made, we’ll continue to show up here to share many more details about how it’s all shaping up and how it will all work.  We expect you to keep showing up and sharing your feedback and passion for the game.</p>
<p>Talk to you again soon,</p>
<p>– Hamrick</p>
<p><strong><big>Showing Support</big></strong></p>
<div><img src=";av=809845344" /></div>
<p>Destiny Player Support is your one-stop shop for all things support. They have important info on resolving errors and upcoming bug fixes. </p>
<p>This is their report. </p>
<p><strong>Error code: Beaver</strong></p>
<div>An issue occurred on Wednesday, January 17, causing some players to encounter <a href="" title="" target="">BEAVER error codes</a> when attempting to play Destiny 2 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.</div>
<p>While this issue was quickly resolved, players were required to fully log out of Destiny 2 in order to circumvent the error impacting their ability to connect. If you are continuing to receive BEAVER error codes, please fully close the Destiny 2 game application.</p>
<p>If you continue to receive BEAVER errors, please post a report to the #Help forum.</p>
<p><strong>Ikora Waypoint</strong></p>
<p>Since the release of Curse of Osiris, we have been tracking an issue where players receive an errant waypoint over Ikora. A solution to the issue is currently being tested, and on track for the January 30 Update. </p>
<p>Until the issue is fully resolved, completing Meditations or Milestones to earn Vanguard Research tokens can temporarily remove the waypoint from Ikora.</p>
<p><strong><big>Red Carpet</big></strong></p>
<div><img src=";av=809845344" /></div>
<div>The show must go on. We are still receiving a steady stream of new community-created videos on the Creations page each week. We are featuring 2 more for you this week as MOTW winners. Their creators will all be taking home the special MOTW Emblem exclusive to previous winners. If you want your chance at it, submit your own video to the <a href="" title="" target="">Creations page</a>.</div>
<p><strong>Movie of the Week</strong>: It has Begun!</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p><strong>Honorable Mention:</strong> ATLAS</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p>Last week, we gave you some of our plans for the future. We are currently working hard on implementing those in-game. We will keep you informed on our progress. We understand you are more interested in updates than promises of updates. </p>
<p>We’re on it. </p>
<p><strong>&lt;3 Cozmo</strong></p>

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