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News - Random: The Voice Of Mario Once Rapped As Dracula For A Corporate Video

Random: The Voice Of Mario Once Rapped As Dracula For A Corporate Video

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<p><a href="">Charles Martinet</a> is famous to Nintendo fans the world over as the voice of Mario, and has filled this role brilliantly since the ’90s. However, it would be doing Martinet a great injustice to assume this is the only thing he has done in his <a href="">illustrious career</a>; he’s acted on stage, in film and on TV, with movies such as <strong>The Game</strong> and <strong>Nine Months</strong> to his name.</p>
<p>However, like so many actors, Martinet has some skeletons in his closet; roles which were perhaps taken for the money rather than any promise of artistic fulfilment or critical acclaim. The 1986 corporate video shown above seems to fit this description; in it, Martinet assumes the role of a rapping Dracula, who rises from the grave to sing the praises of ECAD Systems. Later in the video, he becomes the swashbuckling Sinbad and continues to rap about things like time-saving system solutions and <em>all that good stuff.</em></p>
<p>This may well be the best thing we’ve seen on the internet in the past year. No, make that the past decade.</p>

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