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News - Andor Season 2 Will Change How You See Rogue One, Diego Luna Says

News - Andor Season 2 Will Change How You See Rogue One, Diego Luna Says

<p>Andor Season 2 will forever change how Star Wars fans feel about the movie Rogue One, according to Andor lead Diego Luna. He said in a new interview that people will experience Rogue One in a new light after Andor Season 2 because they'll finally see and understand what the characters did and went through leading them to the events of Rogue One.</p><p>This includes the droid K-2SO, who is voiced by Alan Tudyk. "I think people watching Rogue One, after watching Season 2, are going to see a different film. Everything will be signified differently knowing what had to happen for K-2 to be there," Luna told <a href="">Entertainment Weekly</a>. "It's going to make you witness the journey of Rogue One in a different way, I think. And not just with K-2, but with many other characters. I think it'll be really cool," Luna said.</p><p>Luna and Tudyk already worked together on Rogue One, and Luna said it was "delicious" to work with Tudyk again on the same set. "You're going to see why K-2 is so important in Rogue One," Luna said. "And how does he get to be such an important character for the Rebellion."</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>

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