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News - New Game, Date Everything, Sure Does Live Up To Its Name

News - New Game, Date Everything, Sure Does Live Up To Its Name

<p dir="ltr">Developer Sassy Chap Games has unveiled its latest project: a dating sim like no other. Date Everything! is a sandbox dating sim that allows players to romance a variety of ordinary household objects, from the kitchen fridge to the fire alarm.</p><p dir="ltr">Date Everything equips the player-character with a stylish pair of "Dateviator" glasses, which allow the player to see their toaster, smoke alarm, and other household objects in their true (read: human) form. With the Dateviators equipped, a dusty piano is suddenly changed into an attractive woman named Keyes, a moped becomes a handsome man who goes by Cabrizzio, and an old vacuum transforms into a friendly fellow who prefers his nickname, Hoove, to his "legal" name: Hoover. But the romance doesn't stop there--players can even date intangible things like the air itself and, based on <a href="">the game's Steam page</a> description, an "overwhelming sense of existential dread."</p><p>The game features 100 dateable everyday objects, each of which are brought to life by a <a href="">(human) voice actor</a>. The voice cast includes quite a few well-known names, including Johnny Young Bosch, Felicia Day, Grey DeLisle, and more. Each romance has three different outcomes--the player can become the object's lover, their friend, or even their mortal enemy.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>

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