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[Tut] This is How I Played a Sinus Tone in My Jupyter Notebook (Python)

This is How I Played a Sinus Tone in My Jupyter Notebook (Python)

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<p><strong>What/Why?</strong> I want to write a simple Python script that warns me if crypto price data (e.g., BTC) crosses a certain threshold. This can be useful for trading or some other apps, so I thought it would be fun to do it. </p>
<p>The tutorial in front of you simply documents my learnings on creating a sinus tone in my Jupyter Notebook—so it may benefit you as well. </p>
<p>If you want the whole tutorial on my mini project, you can check it out here on the Finxter blog: </p>
<p class="has-base-background-color has-background"><img src="" alt="?" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> <strong>Recommended Tutorial</strong>: <a href="" data-type="post" data-id="985731" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">I Made a Python Script That Beeps When BTC or ETH Prices Drop</a></p>
<figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1002" height="668" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-987266" srcset=" 1002w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1002px) 100vw, 1002px" /></figure>
<p class="has-global-color-8-background-color has-background"><img src="" alt="?" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> <strong>Challenge</strong>: Write Python code in a Jupyter Notebook that creates a sinus tone when executed. </p>
<p>The easy way to solve this challenge is the following. <img src="" alt="?" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /></p>
<p class="has-base-background-color has-background">This code creates a sine wave with a frequency of 500 Hz and plays it in the IPython environment. The wave is created using the NumPy library by specifying the frequency and the length of the wave (15000*2). The rate of the wave is set to 10000 Hz and autoplay is set to <code>True</code> so that the wave will start playing immediately.</p>
<pre class="EnlighterJSRAW" data-enlighter-language="python" data-enlighter-theme="" data-enlighter-highlight="" data-enlighter-linenumbers="" data-enlighter-lineoffset="" data-enlighter-title="" data-enlighter-group="">import numpy as np
from IPython.display import Audio # Create the tone as a NumPy Sinus Wave
wave = np.sin(2*np.pi*500*np.arange(15000*2)/15000) # Play the Sinus Wave (tone)
Audio(wave, rate=10000, autoplay=True)</pre>
<p>This generates the following beep sound in your Jupyter Notebook:</p>
<figure class="wp-block-audio"><audio controls src=""></audio></figure>
<p>What happens if you change the <code>rate</code> argument of the <code>Audio()</code> function call to be 20000 instead of 10000?</p>
<pre class="EnlighterJSRAW" data-enlighter-language="python" data-enlighter-theme="" data-enlighter-highlight="2" data-enlighter-linenumbers="" data-enlighter-lineoffset="" data-enlighter-title="" data-enlighter-group=""># Play the Sinus Wave (tone)
Audio(wave, rate=20000, autoplay=True)</pre>
<p>The beep sound tone gets higher:</p>
<figure class="wp-block-audio"><audio controls src=""></audio></figure>
<p>You can play around with the Jupyter notebook here:</p>
<div class="wp-block-image">
<figure class="aligncenter size-full"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="720" height="382" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-987259" srcset=" 720w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px" /></a></figure>
<p>But what if you don’t have a Jupyter notebook but a normal Python script (Win/Linux/macOS)?</p>
<p>In that case, you cannot use the <code>IPython</code> library. Instead, follow the steps outlined in the following tutorial on the Finxter blog—you still can play beep sounds!</p>
<p class="has-base-background-color has-background"><img src="" alt="?" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> <strong>Recommended Tutorial</strong>: <a href="" data-type="post" data-id="147986" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">How to Make a Beep Sound in Python?</a></p>
<h2>Thanks for Reading! <img src="" alt="♥" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> </h2>
<p>You’re welcome to join our free email academy where I share all our coding projects and cheat sheets on a weekly basis:</p>

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