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(Free Game Key) Short Explanation Regarding Affiliate Links - Printable Version

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(Free Game Key) Short Explanation Regarding Affiliate Links - xSicKxBot - 10-24-2020

Short Explanation Regarding Affiliate Links

Hello members of GrabFreeGames :) I'm just here with a short explanation<br><br>As you may or may not know we share partner / affiliate links of Humble Bundle, Fanatical, IndieGala, Epic Games ...<br><br>When posting links to those websites mentioned above we are adding our partner tag. Those links generate profit ONLY if someone decides to purchase something while using the link (at no additional cost to you, the user, we get a small cut).<br><br>We are a group dedicated on finding free games, trying to consistently share any quality free to keep games available. So far we have never taken money offers from other companies or individuals (they offered), and any affiliate links added are done on our own accord.<br><br>What I'm saying is because we are focused on Free Games, If you use those links to grab a free game because the price of the game is 0 our cut is also 0 :) Which is totally fine. We are not here for the money. <br><br>Using the Epic Creator Tag for the whole lifetime (last year and a half) generated a total of $14.19. And most of that was from our staff, because they used the link while purchasing stuff on Epic Games. <br><br>If you are wondering why are we still using the tag if it generates almost nothing. Reasons are consistency, branding purposes and tracking who is sharing our links online. (I don't mind people sharing what we post, its public knowledge) That amount generated is used to purchase games for giveaways that we make on discord or the website, be sure to join our discord :)<br><br>Just in case anyone is wondering: I have contacted steam support about the use of partner / affiliate links and they said its fine to share our links inside our own group and not in other places such as the official community forums or the official steam groups. <br><br>I have made some raffles if you are into that<br><br><a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" ></a><br><br>That's it, have a nice day<br><br><blockquote class="bb_blockquote">?<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" ></a> ?<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Twitter</a> ?<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Steam Curator</a> ?<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Facebook</a><span class="bb_link_host">[]</span>?<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Discord</a><span class="bb_link_host">[]</span></blockquote><blockquote class="bb_blockquote">❤️Support us: ✔️<a class="bb_link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >HumbleBundle Partner</a><span class="bb_link_host">[]</span> Epic Tag: <u><b>GrabFreeGames</b></u> ✌</blockquote>