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Mobile - Pascals Wager’s Tides of Oblivion washes up on Android and iOS today - Printable Version

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Mobile - Pascals Wager’s Tides of Oblivion washes up on Android and iOS today - xSicKxBot - 08-21-2020

Pascals Wager’s Tides of Oblivion washes up on Android and iOS today

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p class="intro_text">Tipsworks has&nbsp;released&nbsp;the newest expansion for <a href="" rel="noopener">Pascal’s Wager</a>. Tides of Oblivion has been anticipated for a fair while, and brings the Action-RPG to a brand new aquatic setting –&nbsp;Ichthyosauria. Though a mouthful of sea water to say, the new setting adds&nbsp;fresh enemies, characters, and new adventures for the player, as they sound the depths of&nbsp;Ichthyosauria and dredge up its secrets for themselves.</p>
<p>The actual setup of Tides of Oblivion is fairly simple – Jerold, a familiar friend, asks Terence to team up with him to travel to the land of Ichthyosauria, and find a way to save it. Jerold is also the new playable character, and if the trailer is anything to go by, he seems to be a duelist who wields a rapier, with a courtly manner of fighting.</p>
<p>For those that don’t know Pascal’s Wager, it’s basically mobile’s answer to Dark Souls, channeling influences from the FromSoftware series to create an outstanding mobile Action-RPG – just read our <a href="" rel="noopener">Pascal’s Wager review</a>&nbsp;if you don’t believe us! The new setting of&nbsp;Ichthyosauria gives off some serious fishing hamlet vibes from Bloodborne’s Old Hunter DLC,&nbsp;which we’re always happy to see.</p>
<p>You can watch the&nbsp;trailer for Tides of Oblivion&nbsp;below, which features a little gameplay, and some suitably ominous narration:</p>
<div class="responsive-container">[embedded content]</div>
<p>If you want to pick up Pascal’s Wager, you can find it on <a href=";hl=en_GB" rel="noopener">Google Play</a> and the <a href="" rel="noopener">App Store</a>, and Tides of Oblivion is purchasable in-game. Either that, or enter our current <a href="" rel="noopener">Pascal’s Wager giveaway</a>, where we’re offering both a code for the base game, and Tides of Oblivion.</p>
<p>For&nbsp;some other games like Pascals Wager – though nothing is quite like Pascals Wager – be sure to check out our list of the <a href="" rel="noopener">best mobile RPGs</a>!</p>