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News - Move Aside Mario, A New F-Zero Twitter Account Has Been Discovered - Printable Version

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News - Move Aside Mario, A New F-Zero Twitter Account Has Been Discovered - xSicKxBot - 07-17-2020

Move Aside Mario, A New F-Zero Twitter Account Has Been Discovered

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<p>Following on from the discovery of a <a href="">private Super Mario Twitter account earlier this week</a>, there are now reports that <em>another</em> account – with a recovery email <em>potentially</em> linked to Nintendo – has been discovered.</p>
<p>Yep, this time it’s for Nintendo’s dormant F-Zero franchise which hasn’t received a new entry in about 16 years.</p>
<p>As explained by VGC, the protected Twitter handle <a class="external" href="">@FZeroJP</a> was registered in March 2020 this year – the same time as the <a href="">@SuperMario35th</a> account and is attached to a similar-looking email that falls in line with Nintendo’s ‘’ address.</p>
<p>This address also seemingly <a class="external" href="">matches the emails</a> tied to the official SplatoonJP and SmashBrosJP Twitter accounts.</p>
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<p>Of course, at this stage, it’s impossible to confirm if the account was created by Nintendo – even if it was, it might just be the company reserving handles for its IP on social media.</p>
<p>A <a class="external" href="">similar story recently did the rounds within the Xbox community</a> when <strong><a href="">Perfect Dark</a></strong> and <strong>Fable</strong> Twitter accounts were discovered in March and June of this year, and an Xbox employee said it was “standard practice” to secure social handles for IP.</p>
<p>If Nintendo was to announce a new F-Zero game, it would be the first one since the Japan-only 2004 Game Boy Advance title, <strong><a class="external" href="">F-Zero Climax</a></strong>.</p>
<p>What do you make of this latest discovery? Do you think it’s anything worth getting excited about? <em>Tell us down below.</em></p>