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News - Four Unannounced Nintendo Games Potentially Teased By New Amazon Listings - Printable Version

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News - Four Unannounced Nintendo Games Potentially Teased By New Amazon Listings - xSicKxBot - 05-30-2020

Four Unannounced Nintendo Games Potentially Teased By New Amazon Listings

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Nintendo Logo" href=""><img src="" alt="Nintendo Logo"></a></figure>
<p>If these newly spotted retail listings are to be believed, we could be just weeks – or even <em>days</em> – away from learning about four new and unannounced Nintendo-published games headed to Switch.</p>
<p>If you were browsing our site yesterday, you’ll have seen that a number of potential, <a href="">unnannounced third-party Switch games</a> were hinted at by new listings on Amazon France. It’s exciting enough to see that the likes of Bethesda, Ubisoft and Warner Bros. might have a few Switch games up their sleeves, but these new Nintendo listings are the icing on the cake.</p>
<p>You can see the new listings for yourselves <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>, <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>, <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>, and <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>. Simply called ‘Nintendo Game 1’, ‘Nintendo Game 2’ etc. at the moment, each listing features a placeholder image of a previous Nintendo product and stops short of giving anything else away other than the platform – Nintendo Switch. Each listing also has a placeholder 31st December release date, which is commonly used by retailers for products when an official date hasn’t yet been revealed.</p>
<p>Here’s what the pages look like at the time of writing. <em>‘Bring Nintendo Game 3 to Switch, you cowards’</em>.</p>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="We're pretty sure 'Nintendo Game 3' won't be an Incineroar, don't worry..." href=""><img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="We're pretty sure 'Nintendo Game 3' won't be an Incineroar, don't worry..."></a><figcaption class="caption">We’re pretty sure ‘Nintendo Game 3’ won’t be an Incineroar, don’t worry…</figcaption></figure>
<p>Between these Nintendo listings and those third-party ones from yesterday, it certainly seems like <em>something</em> could be about to go down. We wouldn’t advise getting your hopes up too much just in case, but we <em>are</em> about to enter what would have been E3 season. And then, of course, we have those <a href="">reports of several Mario remasters</a> headed our way.</p>
<p>We’ll let you mull that thought over in the comments below.</p>