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News - Indie World Showcase Star Liberated Scores June Release Date On Switch - Printable Version

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News - Indie World Showcase Star Liberated Scores June Release Date On Switch - xSicKxBot - 05-18-2020

Indie World Showcase Star Liberated Scores June Release Date On Switch

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
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<p>We’ve got our hands on a brand new trailer for <a href=""><strong>Liberated</strong></a>, star of <a href="">December’s Indie World Showcase</a> presentation. The video reveals that the game will be launching for Switch on 2nd June.</p>
<p>If you’re a regular reader of the site, you’re probably pretty clued up on this one by now – we recently shared a gallery of <a href="">new, exclusive screenshots</a> and an <a href="">interview with the developer</a> which talked about the game’s creation – but we’ll give you a quick recap just in case.</p>
<p>The best way to do that? A feature list, of course:</p>
<p>– Side-scrolling action – Intense adventure brimming with gunfights, stealth, puzzles, and platforming action.<br />– Cyberpunk Near-future – Social networks, facial recognition, fake news, citizen credit systems. A familiar world in which technology empowers control over the people.<br />– Order &amp; Revolution – A story of authoritarianism—how it is born in a democracy and consumes it. Liberated men and women rise against the new world order, but at what cost?<br />– Multiple Perspectives – A dramatic story told through unique points of view. Play as individuals locked in a clash of ideals. This is not a simple tale of good versus evil, and you must witness what transpires from many points of view to parse the truth.</p>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Liberated" href=""><img src="" alt="Liberated"></a></figure>
<p><em>Have you been keeping an eye out for Liberated’s release? Think you’ll give it a go next month? Let us know in the usual place.</em></p>