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News - Game consoles excluded from tariffs on Chinese imports ‘until further notice’ - xSicKxBot - 01-29-2020

Game consoles excluded from tariffs on Chinese imports ‘until further notice’

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>Video game consoles won’t be directly impacted by tariffs imposed on imports from China for the time being, a more concrete decision that comes after consoles were granted temporary exemption in the later months of 2019.</p>
<p>The Electronic Software Association <a href="">confirmed as much to Polygon</a> over email, noting that the United States Trade Representative “has suspended the tariffs on consoles until further notice.”</p>
<p>The ESA statement backs up news shared by the USTR (via <a href="">Reuters</a>) about the first phase of a trade deal between the U.S. and China amid ongoing trade negotiations. In that release, it was mentioned that categories of goods that had tariffs <a href="">delayed from September to mid-December</a>, including game consoles, laptop computers, and cellphones, would instead have those tariffs suspended indefinitely.</p>
<p>Console makers Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony have openly spoken against those potential tariffs for months before the delay and no indefinate suspension, warning in an <a href="">earlier open letter</a> that the damage would have an “enormous impact and undue economic harm[…]on the entire video game ecosystem,” including both consumers and the thousands that count themselves among the game industry.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>