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News - Get a job: Schell Games is hiring a Community Marketing Specialist - Printable Version

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News - Get a job: Schell Games is hiring a Community Marketing Specialist - xSicKxBot - 01-29-2020

Get a job: Schell Games is hiring a Community Marketing Specialist

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>The Gamasutra Job Board is the most diverse, active and established board of its kind for the video game industry!</p>
<p>Here is just one of the&nbsp;<a href="">many, many positions</a>&nbsp;being advertised right now.</p>
<p><strong>Location:&nbsp;Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania</strong></p>
<p>Schell Games is looking for a skilled online community marketing specialist to build and grow communities for our original games, as well as our corporate channels.&nbsp;This tech-savvy individual possesses outstanding communication and organizational skills. They will be friendly, curious, and adaptive, and enjoy working in a team-driven environment. The ideal candidate will have a passion for games and understand the complexities of various game and social communities.</p>
<p>Ideally, the candidate should be able to act as the voice of the brand, with the goal of building lasting, vibrant online communities that are engaged and responsive.</p>
<p>We’re looking for someone excited about cross­-disciplined collaboration!&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Areas of Responsibility:</strong></p>
<p>Conceive, develop, and implement campaigns that align with overall strategic marketing efforts that build and nurture online communities&nbsp;</p>
<p>Plan and implement promotions, events, competitions, and other programs to grow the communities and boost brand awareness</p>
<p>Manage game-related social media platforms</p>
<p>Coordinate and consolidate player feedback, isolating key issues to be brought to the development and marketing teams</p>
<p>Serve as an advocate inside of Schell Games for the community</p>
<p>Moderate online/offline conversations with the community</p>
<p>Coordinate with Marketing and Development Teams to ensure brand consistency</p>
<p>Communicate important messages to the community through social media and long-form mediums (blog posts, forums)</p>
<p>Find and cultivate important community members, and help support their efforts to grow a healthy and vibrant game community</p>
<p>Respond to comments and customer queries in a timely manner</p>
<p>Support event and trade show activities</p>
<p>Use Google Analytics and other measurement tools to report on the success of campaigns, while continually finding ways to improve on those metrics through testing and new initiatives</p>
<p>Interested?&nbsp;<a href="">Apply now</a>.</p>
<p>Whether you’re just starting out, looking for something new, or just seeing what’s out there, the Gamasutra Job Board is the place where game developers move ahead in their careers.</p>
<p>Gamasutra’s Job Board is the most diverse, most active, and most established board of its kind in the video game industry, serving companies of all sizes, from indie to triple-A.</p>
<p>Looking for a new job?&nbsp;<a href="">Get started here</a>. Are you a recruiter looking for talent?&nbsp;<a href="">Post jobs here</a>.</p>