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News - Archlion Saga Is An RPG For Beginners, And It’s Coming To Switch This Week - Printable Version

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News - Archlion Saga Is An RPG For Beginners, And It’s Coming To Switch This Week - xSicKxBot - 07-13-2019

Archlion Saga Is An RPG For Beginners, And It’s Coming To Switch This Week

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<p>Do you ever feel in the mood to play an RPG but just don’t have the time or knowhow? Well, it looks like <strong><a href="">Archlion Saga</a></strong> is the game for you.</p>
<p>In a slightly strange but actually understandable concept, Kemco’s ‘pocket-sized RPG’ series is made up of “easily completable” titles that only take a handful of hours to beat and guide you along the way. Archlion Saga is the first of this series, sending players off on a super-simplified adventure which makes sure you’ll have the time to see it through to the end.</p>
<p>Here’s a quick description:</p>
<p>No more walkthroughs! Only a comfortable adventure! By following the guide that shows the way, you won’t get stuck or be lost anymore! Level up and get new weapons and skills easily. Short, but adequate, all for the sake to taste the delight to finish the game at the peak of your excitement! The game itself will support your adventure warmly and enjoyably.</p>
<p>The game’s launching on Switch next week on 18th July. Standard pricing is $4.99 / £4.49, but you can go ahead and pre-purchase it at 30% off for a limited time ahead of launch.</p>
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<div class="col"><a title="Switch ArchlionSaga 01" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Switch ArchlionSaga 01"></a><a title="Unnamed (4)" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Unnamed (4)"></a></div>
<div class="col"><a title="Unnamed (2)" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Unnamed (2)"></a><a title="Unnamed (3)" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Unnamed (3)"></a></div>
<p>What do you think? Do you have the time for a full-fat RPG, or does this actually sound like a decent idea? Share your thoughts with us below.</p>