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News - Suda51 Teases E3 Reveal With Intriguing Character Art - xSicKxBot - 06-04-2019

Suda51 Teases E3 Reveal With Intriguing Character Art

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<p>Goichi ‘Suda51’ Suda, director of games such as <strong><a href="">No More Heroes</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">Killer7</a></strong>, and <a href=""><strong>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes</strong></a> on Nintendo Switch, has given us the first tease of something new set to appear during E3 next week.</p>
<p>We’ve known that he’s been planning on sharing something during the time of the event for a while – earlier this year he mentioned that he hoped to have “<a href="">something cool to announce</a>” – but we’ve absolutely no idea what the reveal might be. The first teaser for this reveal has been shared today and, quite frankly, we’re still none the wiser.</p>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><span lang="en" dir="ltr">Preparing for E3 now. <a href=""></a></span>— SUDA51/須田剛一 (@suda_51) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></p></blockquote>
<p>The tweet above seems to show a character of some sort, but we – and everyone in the replies to the tweet, it would seem – can’t figure out exactly what it is. The very same character has now shown up as Suda51’s Twitter header (left, below), and his profile picture has also changed to this never-before-seen art (right, below).</p>
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<p>So, is this our very first look at <strong>No More Heroes 3</strong>? Could this be a brand new IP?</p>
<p><em>We’ll let you mull that one over in the comments.</em></p>