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News - Video: Visual effects and the rise of realtime rendering - Printable Version

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News - Video: Visual effects and the rise of realtime rendering - xSicKxBot - 03-27-2019

Video: Visual effects and the rise of realtime rendering

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>In this 2017 GDC talk, visual effects (VFX) veterans Keith Guerrette and Drew Skillman share their perspectives on&nbsp;why it’s&nbsp;important to foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration within the VFX community.</p>
<p>With that philosophy in mind, Guerrette and Skillman offer their knowledge of VFX, and&nbsp;the&nbsp;session concludes&nbsp;with a&nbsp;look into the future and the role VFX will play in a world driven by realtime rendering.</p>
<p>It&nbsp;was an insightful talk that’s definitely still worth watching, so developers&nbsp;shouldn’t miss the&nbsp;opportunity to do so now that it’s&nbsp;<a href="">freely available on the official GDC YouTube channel!</a></p>
<p>In addition to this presentation, the&nbsp;<a href="">GDC Vault</a>&nbsp;and its accompanying&nbsp;<a href="">YouTube channel</a>&nbsp;offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent&nbsp;<a href="">Game Developers Conference events</a>, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.</p>
<p>Those who purchased All Access passes to recent events like GDC or VRDC&nbsp;already have full access to GDC Vault, and interested parties can apply for the individual subscription via&nbsp;<a href="">a GDC Vault subscription page</a>. Group subscriptions are also available: game-related schools and development studios who sign up for GDC Vault Studio Subscriptions can receive access for their entire office or company by contacting staff via the&nbsp;<a href="">GDC Vault group subscription page</a>. Finally, current subscribers with access issues can&nbsp;<a href="">contact GDC Vault technical support</a>.</p>