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News - New Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer Is Full Of Pooh - xSicKxBot - 11-11-2018

New Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer Is Full Of Pooh

<p>Kingdom Hearts 3 already has an all-star cast of Disney characters, but at Xbox's X018 fan event one more made his debut. Everyone's favorite honey-loving bear, Winnie the Pooh has been confirmed to appear in the third entry in the Square Enix-developed title. Of course, this isn't the first time he's been featured in the series, as players have traveled to 100 Acre Woods, home of Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and friends multiple times.</p><p>This time, we got to see Pooh talking to Sora, Donald, and Goofie, telling him that he'd always be with him. Along with Pooh, the trailer also provided another glimpse at what Master Xehanort and Organization XIII are up to. Naturally, it will require Sora, Donald, Goofy, and a supporting cast of some of the most iconic Disney characters from throughout the ages to come together and put a stop to these evil schemes, which involves creating an ultimate keyblade.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6447239" data-src="/videos/kingdom-hearts-iii-winnie-the-pooh-trailer/2300-6447239/" data-width="854" data-height="480"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6447239/" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div><p>Shinji Hashimoto from Square Enix also appeared during the stream to talk about Pooh's appearance, saying that in Kingdom Hearts 3 there will be mini-games to play in the 100 Acre Woods. For this location specifically, gameplay will be oriented around puzzles. Talking about technological advancements and what they bring to Kingdom Hearts 3, Hashimoto said the Xbox One hardware allowed the team to depict roaring scenes in the Pirates world and the vastness of <em>Big Hero 6</em>'s San Fransokyo.</p><p>The trailer also gave us a glimpse at the some of other words, including an evil Baymax in the <em>Big Hero 6 </em>universe. Some on-ship acrobatics in the <em>Pirates of the Caribbean </em>world.</p><p>On November 5, Square Enix released a <a href="">trailer </a> set in the Kingdom of Corona, the world in which <em>Tangled</em> takes place. In that trailer, Sora, Donald, and Goofy meet Rapunzel and Flynn, before being ambushed by enemies. Rapunzel looks to have a pretty handy traversal ability that involves using her long hair to swing from tree branches. This will no doubt help the gang get around much easier.</p><p>Other Disney franchises represented in Kingdom Hearts 3 include Toy Story, Big Hero 6, Frozen, Hercules, and Monsters Inc. Various members of the voice cast attached to these are also reprising their roles for the game. For example, Zachary Levi be playing as Flynn Rider while Donna Murphy will once again be Mother Gothel. For <em>Frozen,</em> Idina Menzel will be voicing Elsa, while Kristen Bell returns for Anna, Josh Gad is Olaf, and Jonathan Groff is Kristoff. Haley Joel Osment will also be voicing series protagonist Sora again.</p><p>Kingdom Hearts 3 is set to release on January 29, 2019 on <a href="">Xbox One</a> and <a href="">PS4</a>.</p>