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News - How Riot has been removing cheaters from League of Legends - xSicKxBot - 10-26-2018

How Riot has been removing cheaters from League of Legends

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="646" height="347" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>Riot has pulled back the curtain on how its developers handle botters, scripters, and boosters who cheat in <em>League of Legends</em> in a detailed blog post outlining anti-cheat methods.</p>
<p>Developers take exploits seriously, often banning or <a href="">taking hackers to court</a> if cheating software gets in the way of a good, clean match.</p>
<p>It’s always interesting to see how devs tackle the situation, and in Riot’s case with <em>League of Legends</em>, there’s an entire anti-cheat team to combat malicious players.</p>
<p>As detailed in the <a href="">blog post</a>, cheating in <em>League of Legends </em>is described as the result of one of three things: scripting, boosting, or botting. </p>
<p>Scripting seems to be the most influential type of cheating in MOBAs, and it refers to using an external programs like aimbots, cooldown trackers, and combos to give a player an unfair advantage during gameplay. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p>Regarding scripting in <em>League, </em>The green line in the image above represents scripters as a daily percentage of ranked games played. It trends downward with time, and is statistically referred to as “A Good Line.” Banwaves are displayed on the same time scale.</p>
<p>But are the cheats really helping? The blog explains how the average win rate of a random sample <em>should</em> be 50 percent, so while scripting may still produces some kind of advantage, it’s clear that there’s a decline.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p>For example, in an effort to avoid detection, <em>League </em>developers voluntarily added additional delay to their own automated actions, essentially forcing them to perform more like a human. </p>
<p>Scripts are also the most useful on mechanically intensive champions, so <em>League </em>developers are actively changing champion abilities to make them more forgiving, giving players a chance to better compete with cheaters.</p>
<p>Developers interested in seeing how Riot is continuing to combat cheating should read the entire <a href="">blog post here</a>.</p>