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News - Amazon removes its 20 percent preorder discount on games - xSicKxBot - 08-22-2018

Amazon removes its 20 percent preorder discount on games

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p><strong>Newsbrief:</strong> <a href="">Two years after the perk was introduced to Amazon Prime members</a>, Amazon has announced that it will be discontinuing its 20 percent preorder discount on physical copies of video games on August 28. </p>
<p>It’s a pretty big change for Amazon, with the decision coming only a few months after Best Buy shuttered Gamers Club Unlocked, a competing service which also provided a 20 percent discount on games.</p>
<p>The change is essentially a reduction in value for Amazon customers, since there no longer seems to be any guarantee of saving money. The $10 store credit offer is still less than the estimated $12 shaved off from a regularly priced $60 game.</p>
<p>According to the retailer’s <a href=";=vg63_primevideogames_tc_lp_em&amp;j=6917&amp;sfmc_sub=41056001&amp;l=15_HTML&amp;u=139118&amp;mid=100002038&amp;jb=400&amp;linkCode=sl2&amp;tag=sec2002-20&amp;linkId=dd5ad630e432215ac14984937e195c8d&amp;language=en_US">updated terms and conditions</a>, Prime members will instead receive store credit as an incentive to preorder video games through Amazon, but only preorders of “select video games” will come with the $10 store credit promotion.</p>