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News - Nintendo’s New Multi-Screen Patent Could Revolutionise Local Multiplayer - Printable Version

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News - Nintendo’s New Multi-Screen Patent Could Revolutionise Local Multiplayer - xSicKxBot - 05-01-2018

Nintendo’s New Multi-Screen Patent Could Revolutionise Local Multiplayer

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<p>Nintendo has filed a new patent in the US, one that could take co-operative play and local multiplayer and inject it with that classic Nintendo sense of innovation. The patent, which was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on 12th April, describes a game system with, “a plurality of information processing apparatuses that are capable of communicating with each other.”</p>
<p>In other words, it would use two separate screens – potentially running on two separate devices – where the actions on one screen would be replicated on the other, with information being shared seamlessly between the two. The patent even shows one object being sent from one screen to the other, while another example sees the movement of one screen creating momentum on the other.</p>
<p>With Switch selling as well as it is at the moment, it seems unlikely this concept will be introduced anytime soon, but it’s an exciting potential feature for future hardware. It’s also <a href="">not the first time Nintendo has filed a rather peculiar patent</a>…</p>
<p><em>Let us know what you make of it in the comments sections below and share your thoughts with the NL community below…</em></p>