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News - Jin Fujisawa, The Director Of Dragon Quest IX, Leaves Square Enix - Printable Version

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News - Jin Fujisawa, The Director Of Dragon Quest IX, Leaves Square Enix - xSicKxBot - 04-29-2018

Jin Fujisawa, The Director Of Dragon Quest IX, Leaves Square Enix

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<p>One of the Dragon Quest franchise’s most influential developers has parted ways with the publisher. Jin Fujisawa, who worked on nine entries on the series (from <strong>Dragon Quest VII</strong> on PS1 to <strong>Dragon Quest X Online</strong>) has moved onto pastures new and is now working with a different company on an as-yet-undisclosed project.</p>
<p>The <strong><a href="">Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies</a></strong> director <a href="">made the announcement on Twitter</a>, leaving many wondering what the veteran developer has moved on to after all these years working on Square properties.</p>
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<p><span lang="ja" dir="ltr">最後に、私事にてご報告です。<br />藤澤は、スクウェア・エニックスを退職しております。<br />退職後も予言者の執筆を続けさせてもらっていましたが、現在は別会社にて新たな挑戦に取り組んでおります。<br />近況については、別にお伝えする機会をつくれればと思っています。<br />突然の報告となり、申し訳ありません。</span>— 藤澤 仁 (@JIn_Fujisawa) <a href="">April 27, 2018</a></p>
<p><em>So what do you think Fujisawa-san is working on now? And what are your favourite DQ memories on Nintendo? Share your thoughts and memories below…</em></p>