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News - Infernium Will Scare Its Way Onto The NA eShop Next Week - Printable Version

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News - Infernium Will Scare Its Way Onto The NA eShop Next Week - xSicKxBot - 04-02-2018

Infernium Will Scare Its Way Onto The NA eShop Next Week

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<p>While we’ve known that first-person horror experience <a href=""><strong>Infernium</strong></a> was due to arrive in April ever since <a href="">the game was announced for Switch earlier in the month</a>, but now we’ve got the official release dates straight from indie developer Carlos Coronado. The game will be hitting the North American eShop next week on 5th April, with a European/UK release set for 12th April.</p>
<p>According to Coronado, the game’s lack of traditional combat is offset by enemies that lurk in light as well as shadows, with the need to evade and outwit a constant requirement for those willing to enter its intriguing labyrinth. Infernium will set you back €22.95 in Europe and $24.95 in North America when it launches next month.</p>
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<p><em>Let us know what you make of Infernium, and whether this more unusual psychological horror title will be making its way onto your handheld house of horrors…</em></p>