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News - Fire Emblem Heroes Adding Characters From Genealogy of the Holy War - Printable Version

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News - Fire Emblem Heroes Adding Characters From Genealogy of the Holy War - xSicKxBot - 10-15-2017

Fire Emblem Heroes Adding Characters From Genealogy of the Holy War

<div><p>With <a class="external" href=""><strong>Fire Emblem Warriors</strong></a> just a mere week away, you’d be forgiven for being so distracted with excitement that you’d forgotten all about <strong><a class="external" href="">Fire Emblem Heroes</a></strong>. If you are still enjoying everything the game has to offer, though, you’ll be pleased to know that three new characters from the fourth game in the series, <strong>Genealogy of the Holy War</strong>, are on the way.</p>
<p>The characters in question are Tailtiu, Deirdre, and Sigurd – the latter two of which also come bearing legendary weapons. You can see them in action in this new trailer below.</p>
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<p>As the trailer states, these new additions will be added to the game on October 16th at 07:00 UTC / 12:00 PT. Until then, make sure to save up on orbs to ensure you can snag them for yourself!</p>