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News - Zelda’s Wonderful Hyrule Historia Book Is Getting A Digital Release

Zelda’s Wonderful Hyrule Historia Book Is Getting A Digital Release

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<p>A few years ago now, <a href="">The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia</a> burst onto the scene as an absolutely must-own book which covered the history of the Zelda series. It was so good, in fact, that it ended up being the <a href="">number one best-selling book in the US</a> soon after launch.</p>
<p>If you never managed to get your hands on it, or didn’t feel like forking over the $39.99 recommended retail price, you might want to consider this brand new digital version. A listing on Amazon has revealed that the book is arriving digitally this April, with the release date currently set for the 14th.</p>
<p class="disclaimer">Please note that some links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our <a rel="nofollow" href="">FTC Disclosure</a> for more information.</p>
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<p>We actually posted a book review for Hyrule Historia way back in 2013; if you’re wanting to know more about it, <a href="">make sure to give that a good read</a>. Here’s a snippet:</p>
<p>Packed with information and lavishly produced, Hyrule Historia was always going to be a standout publication. However, its depth and detail have surprised even us. Few video game franchises could ever hope to support such a weighty and significant book, and even if you’ve only a passing interest in the adventures of Link, this should be a permanent addition to your coffee table or bookshelf. Our fingers are crossed that the same treatment can be offered to other key Nintendo properties in the future.</p>
<p>Tempted by this digital version? Did you grab a copy of the physical book back in the day? Let us know in the usual place.</p>

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