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News - Java Edition: 1.16.2 - Printable Version

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News - Java Edition: 1.16.2 - xSicKxBot - 08-16-2020

Java Edition: 1.16.2

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="383" height="35" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This update comes packed with a lot of quality of life changes for map makers and server owners.&nbsp; Are you ready to take on the Piglin Brutes?&nbsp; I’m looking forward to seeing how the loot has been adjusted in the Remnats.</p>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="35"></h2>
<p>Two new accessibility settings have been added to help with visual comfort.</p>
<li>Distortion effects such as nausea and the Nether portal overlay can now be reduced</li>
<li>At lower values, the nausea effect is replaced with a green overlay as an alternative visualization</li>
<li>Field of view effects, shown after speed modifiers are applied, can now be reduced</li>
<h3>CHAT DELAY</h3>
<li>Chat delay has been added to the Chat Settings screen</li>
<li>Pressing F3+D now clears the pending chat messages</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li>Tweaked the Bastion Remnant chest loot</li>
<li>Chests in Bastion Remnants are now more likely to be positioned on top of gilded blackstone</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li>Brewing stands can now be crafted with blackstone</li>
<li>Lanterns and Soul Lanterns can now be waterlogged</li>
<li>Crimson and warped fungus can now be placed on mycelium</li>
<li>Chains can now be placed in all orientations</li>
<li>Tools are now sorted based on material in the creative inventory</li>
<li>Totems of undying now give the fire resistance status effect for 40 seconds when activated</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li>Endermen will no longer place their held block onto bedrock blocks</li>
<li>Zoglins can now be leashed</li>
<li>When a Zombified Piglin is spawned riding a Strider, it will now be holding a Warped Fungus on a Stick</li>
<li>Removed Herobrine</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li>Added Piglin Brutes!</li>
<li>Piglins now become angry with players who open or destroy a Chest Minecart</li>
<li>Tweaked bartering loot</li>
<li>Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastions and protect the treasures there</li>
<li>Unlike the their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren’t afraid of anything</li>
<li>Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how they are dressed</li>
<li>Piglin Brutes wield axes and don’t need any armor, because they’re just that tough</li>
<li>Modified how respawn positions are chosen for beds and respawn anchors</li>
<li>Respawn anchors will prioritize cardinal directions over corners</li>
<li>Beds will prioritize the side of the bed the player entered from and then spaces circling around the foot of the bed up to the head of the bed</li>
<li>Respawning players will now face the block that they respawned at</li>
<li>Placing players onto dangerous blocks is now avoided when possible</li>
<li>Villagers now emit green particles when joining a village, setting a home bed, or acquiring a job site / profession</li>
<li>Villagers now lose their job sites when changing dimension</li>
<li>Custom worlds now support custom biomes</li>
<li>Sign edit screen will now intialize from existing sign text (should have no noticeable impact on vanilla)</li>
<li>Small improvements to data and resource pack selection screens</li>
<li>Tags can now have optional entries</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">execute in</span>&nbsp;now respects dimension scaling</li>
<p>Added an angle parameter for setting the default facing angle of a respawning player<br />Syntax:&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server">spawnpoint [&lt;targets&gt;] [&lt;pos&gt;] [&lt;angle&gt;]</span><br />Syntax:<span class="bedrock-server">&nbsp;setworldspawn [&lt;pos&gt;] [&lt;angle&gt;]</span><br />New parameters:</p>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">angle</span>&nbsp;– Floating point angle in degrees. Supports the relative ~ modifier</li>
<h2><img src="" alt width="383" height="41"></h2>
<li>Custom world generation and dimension settings now use the same folder pattern in data packs as other resources (<span class="bedrock-server">namespace/&lt;type&gt;/resource.json</span>)</li>
<li>There is now experimental support for a&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server">worldgen</span>&nbsp;folder in data packs</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/biome</span>&nbsp;can contain biome definitions</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/configured_carver</span>&nbsp;can contain definitions for world carver settings</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/configured_feature</span>&nbsp;can contain definitions for feature placements</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/configured_structure_feature</span>&nbsp;can contain definitions for structure placements</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/configured_surface_builder</span>&nbsp;can contain definitions for surfaces</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/noise_settings</span>&nbsp;can now contain noise configurations</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/processor_list</span>&nbsp;can contain sets of block processors</li>
<li><span class="bedrock-server">worldgen/template_pool</span>&nbsp;can contain pool definitions for jigsaw structures</li>
<li>Custom biomes can now be used in the single biome/caves/floating islands world types (add the data pack containing the biome first)</li>
<li>Custom biomes can now be used in custom dimension generators</li>
<li>Dedicated servers can now kick clients that consistently send too many packets within a second</li>
<li>Controlled with the&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server">rate-limit</span>&nbsp;settings in&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server"></span></li>
<li>The default rate limit of 0 means “no limit”</li>
<li>While screen is open, it will automatically update when pack directory contents change</li>
<li>Both pack selection screen will now display contents of&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server">pack.png</span>&nbsp;as pack icon</li>
<li>Resource pack version raised to 6</li>
<p>Entries in tags can now be marked as optional. Failure to resolve optional entries does not prevent the whole tag from loading.<br />Example:</p>
<p><span class="bedrock-server">{<br />&nbsp; “replace”: false,<br />&nbsp; “values”: [<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “#minecraft:beds”, // existing syntax<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{ “id”:”#missing:tag”, “required”: false }, // optional sub-tag entry<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “minecraft:anvil”, // existing syntax<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { “id”:”minecraftConfusedtone_button”, “required”: true }, // new syntax for required tags<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { “id”:”missing:block”, “required”: false } // optional single-element entry<br />&nbsp; ]<br />}</span></p>
<p>A total of more than&nbsp;<a href="">150 bugs</a>&nbsp;have also been fixed in this release!</p>